February 28, 2025

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  • Even though I slept 30 minutes longer than usual today, I was still the first one out of the bed. Bentley and I went on our walk and then came back to start on a few things in the house. My goal today was to do a few things and then set down and read some. I did that a little bit, but not as much as I would have liked. This is the last day of the month, so I would love to finish my book so I could move on to a new one tomorrow.
  • Soon Graham was awake. He ran some and then ran some more. A bit before 1, he headed to work alone today. Campbell skipped work to go and babysit with Keaton this afternoon. They were there for 4 and a half hours, and Campbell did better financially babysitting than she would have at work. 
  • Anderson had a bit of school to do this morning, and then he headed out for an hour of work at Raymar. They were getting everything ready for soccer tryouts tomorrow. 
  • This afternoon I went to pick up Keaton and Campbell, but before we made it home, Reagan arrived for the weekend. Anderson was home next, and then Graham rolled in all within about 20 minutes. It is nice to have everyone home for a few days.
  • We even celebrated this with a homemade supper. I also made a coffee cake. I had originally thought that the cake was going to be one of my "12 Cakes" (I want to find 12 cake recipes that I know turn out well and that we all like). Robby liked the coffee cake and so did Graham, but I wasn't too crazy about it.
  • As soon as supper was over, the girls went upstairs to watch tv while the boys are on their devices, so Robby and I are watching the news while I try to catch up on my book. 

February 27, 2025

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  • Since Campbell and Keaton leave early for Mother's Day Out on Thursdays, it is just the boys and I doing school here today. Whitman could have been done pretty early, but at 6 tonight we were still working. I was gone some of the afternoon, and we did pretty much everything except for his last few things which is why we did them so much later today.
  • The big boys are working on a paper right now so that is taking some time. Plus Graham had to give a speech for his speech class this afternoon. He needed 3 people in his audience-he had 4 until he kicked Keaton out for giggling. It took him about 5 or possibly 10 tries, but once he finally got through his speech, he really did do a good job.
  • I worked on school, chores, and getting school ready for next week this morning. It is surprising how you can work all morning, and really haven't accomplished too much. We are pretty much finished with school for the week and school is ready for next week, so that is something.
  • I picked up Campbell and Keaton from work-of course, I had gone about 3/4ths of the way when I had to turn around because of a wreck on Crystal Valley. This meant that I had to go back to Lawson so I was good bit late.
  • We still ran a few errands afterwards-Hobby Lobby for shirt making supplies, Target for a birthday present, and Costco for Campbell's glasses frames. Then it was back home-we listened to Graham's speech, went on a walk with Whitman, finished Whitman's last bit of school, and then made pasta for supper.
  • Robby went to eat with the Sunday school boys tonight so I'm already on the couch while Graham is making cookies for our dessert this evening.

February 26, 2025

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  • School was fine and normal this morning. When it was time for me to work with Campbell, it didn't feel like we had too much to do which was nice. There is always a lot to check and do with everyone (except the big boys), so it is nice when there are days that there isn't a lot to do with me.
  • I was able to walk pretty quickly again this afternoon before I left for my eye appointment. (Before I continue, please remember my story from Monday-went to doctor, she asked when I was coming for my annual check up, I told her that I thought that was why I was there, so I get to go back next week.) Today, I walked in to my appointment and told her my name. She flipped through her paperwork, and then said let me look you up on the computer. Then she said, "It shows your appointment was cancelled." Robby cancelled his appointment for the same time last week, but he was clear to only cancel his. They tried to get me in today, but now I get to go and do that again next week as well. It is not my week at all. 
  • I left there and ran to Walmart for a few minutes since I had some extra time. Then I went to Nonna and Pops' house to sit with Pops while Nonna went for a doctor's appointment. We visited for a while and snacked on some candy, and soon Nonna was back from her appointment.
  • I went from their house to church. I was a bit early there, but I glanced through my library books. Soon the others all arrived with Anderson, so I walked in with the boys. The girls just jetted off to see their friends.
  • After church, Whitman and I were the only ones who didn't go to ChickFilA. He did have free nuggets so I sent him in to get them-and he didn't come back and didn't come back. Finally, I wrote and then called-he was waiting for my nuggets even though I hadn't ordered any.
  • When we did get home, Robby was having a day just about like mine-the garage door broke, and he was working on it. He was able to get it to work at least for now. 
  • I found some supper, and now we are settled in on the couch. 

February 25, 2025

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  • This was a much slower day than yesterday which made me incredibly happy. Actually, I'm already on the couch right now, and it isn't even 7. 
  • I walked Bentley early this morning even though I still had some laundry to fold. I managed to get that done later during the day, but I would like for everyone to know that I fold at least 8 pairs of socks every day-that isn't a lot for a family of 8, but please keep in mind those socks only come from Graham and Anderson. I do not understand. (And here's a little secret-who ever I like the most at that time is the one who I give the cleaner socks to. If I'm not pleased with you, then your socks will be the dingy ones.)
  • We did the school thing, and then I worked in the attic some. I get one attic clean and then realize that my others ones are trashed. So I'm currently working in the clothes attic-I had about 8 goodwill boxes ready to go, so my project today was putting them all in the back of the van. 
  • I walked with Whitman, and then we went on our walk. He had said that he wanted to go about 5 kilometers for his app. I figured that was about 2 miles so told him we could do that. After about a half mile, he wanted to be done, but I made him at least do 1 mile. 
  • Then I took Whitman and Anderson to get hair cuts. Our next stop was Costco so I could order the frames for Campbell's glasses. Robby told me to pick up a pizza when I left, so I ordered one on their little touch screen. When I finished, the machine asked me if I wanted to also buy a cookie. Well, yes, I sure did. I wanted to show them that their marketing worked on me.
  • Anderson, Whitman, and I ate the cookie on the way home. After we all devoured the pizza for supper, everyone kind of disappeared for the night. I might have some hot chocolate, but since it was almost 80 today, I don't know.

February 24, 2025

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  • For a Monday the day went fairly smoothly. I was able to get myself out of bed and go for a walk this morning before we started school. I then read to Keaton and Whitman, and unfortunately, I think that they might have snoozed during a bit of that reading. 
  • Then everyone started on their work for the day. Whitman zoomed through his today, so I was able to work with him at a decent time. 
  • I made the dough for rolls right before I had to leave-actually, I had to have Campbell finish the last few steps since I had to leave quickly for a doctor's appointment. 
  • I thought I had scheduled my yearly check up, but after we had talked about my high blood pressure, she asked when I wanted to come back for my checkup. I told her that I thought that is what I was there for today-so I guess today was just a freebie doctor's appointment which will cost me 200 bucks. Ugh!...possibly one of the reasons my blood pressure is high. 
  • I came home, finished working with Whitman, and baked my rolls. Then Whitman and I went for a walk to get some more kilometers for his Pokemon. He needed just 1.8 kilometers today so that was easy. I told him the weather will be nice all week so we can go everyday. 
  • I had a few minutes to work on my recipe book today-I was retyping a recipe. Then it wasn't too long afterwards that we had to leave for Anderson's last ballgame. His team didn't pull off the win, but they kept it fairly close. Plus we are the best crowd in the league. 
  • Anderson did briefly hurt his shoulder, but he recovered thankfully. I will say that I think that he really enjoyed this season-at least we enjoyed watching him play.
  • We picked up some food on the way home which everyone devoured since it was after 9 by the time that we ate.

February 23, 2025

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  • Robby and I weren't moving too quickly this morning, but we made it to church in plenty of time. And even though we were there in plenty of time, all of the youth had our seats. We were able to spot all the kids except for Whitman, who we assumed was sitting somewhere nearby.
  • It looked like all of the kids were awake during church, but they were exhausted at lunch and they were all exhausted this afternoon. Before they were able to go to sleep, we all celebrated Grannymom's birthday at Dana's house. 
  • Dana had an Italian feast for us plus we had the only 2 egg snickerdoodle cake that I made yesterday. We visited, and Grannymom opened presents. It was fun afternoon. When we left Dana's house, Robby and i ran an errand to Sams while the kids went home and stuffed all of the laundry in the washer.
  • We had asked them to do this, but we weren't thinking about the washer being so full. It took a while to finally wash and then to dry all of the clothes. Right now the second load is only in the dryer, and Campbell's sheets which she needs for tonight are in the wash. It will all get done, but maybe not tonight....and part of that problem was my long nap this afternoon too.
  • Robby and I had a Sunday school fellowship that we went to this evening. All of the kids except for Whitman were still asleep when we left. We did neglect to tell Whitman to get his supper because at 9 he wrote and asked if I was making supper. He had thought that he heard me say that-so he is just finishing his supper!

February 22, 2025

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  • Since Robby and I were the only ones here last night, Bentley had to sleep in our room. That poor puppy wasn't too thrilled with it. She did sleep well, but this morning when I opened the door to the mudroom, she bolted upstairs looking for the kids. When she discovered that no one was up there, she whined. 
  • This is her gotcha day so maybe we should have done something special for the dog today-she is a bit on the lonely side with all of the kids gone. 
  • Robby and I stayed in bed a while, then I did the dishes and laundry before we left to run some errands. We bought some groceries-but neglected to buy eggs since surely we had some. We did also buy two bags of dog food for Bentley, so we will say that is her gotcha day present.
  • We came home, and I stated making a cake...which I needed 3 eggs to make. Hmm, with the big boys cooking eggs all the time, I should have known we always need eggs, but of course we only had 2. Robby told me to just use two and call it fine so we shall see if that was a good plan. 
  • We had settled on the couch when the Amazon came delivering us a project. Robby bought a new faucet for our sink which had gotten pretty sad. Our faucet would twist and turn when you turned it on. 
  • Even though it seemed loose, it took a long while for Robby to get it all unscrewed. Once he did, though, we had that thing installed in no time at all. Then we heated up our suppers, and now we are back in the couch watching the Hogs.
  • I haven't really heard from the kids today. I did write Graham and ask "How has today been? Are your kids ok? Is Whitman enjoying it?" and his wordy response was "all good." We don't hear from Reagan much since she went to school, but I know that I will hear from Anderson even less so I didn't even try to text him today.
  • Now, who will I hear from when they go to college? Campbell. Not only will she read the blog daily, but she will send me pictures and updates like she did today. She started her morning at Starbucks and the house she was at last night even hung out with the boys's house. 

February 21, 2025

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  • The big two were the only ones who had a little bit of school to do today, so no one was really up early. Everyone had some packing to do, but that never takes incredibly long.
  • Actually, Campbell and Keaton have been packing for a few days. I mostly did Whitman's earlier today while Anderson does all of his. Now, Graham likes for me to neatly fold his clothes and double check that he has everything. 
  • The boys did their school work, and then I soon left to stay with Pops while Nonna ran to a doctor's appointment. I told them as I left that I was "going to babysit Pops." Whitman said, "I believe the correct tern is 'eldersit.'" That boy can be a mess for sure.
  • I came home and did a few things, and then it was time for the kids to leave. Keaton and Whitman have their Big Chill weekend at church. Campbell is on the production team meaning that her group has to get everything prepared and make things run smoothly during the week. Anderson is leading the 7th grade boys while Graham is working with the 8th grade boys. They spend the evening at church and are all already at their host homes. 
  • After they left, Robby and I went to eat at Heights Tacos and Tamales. Our wait was over an hour-the first 2/3s of the wait we were right in the middle of the crowd so there were lots of conversations to listen to. The last 1/3 of the wait we started to get a little cold.
  • We came just for the tomato marmalade salsa, and it did not disappoint. But really, the rest of our food did kind of disappoint. We don't eat out much anymore because usually when we do, we leave saying "well, that was fine, but I don't have to go back anytime soon." We said that tonight-though we may go and pick up the salsa sometime-does that make us old? Probably so.

February 20, 2025

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  • Since Keaton and Campbell didn't have Mother's Day Out today and since their school work was already finished, they slept pretty late. I did open their door early so I could let Bentley out of their room. Campbell said that she eventually got up to shut their door, but then Bentley decided that she needed to go out so she had to get up again to open the door again. 
  • Even though the girls were sleeping in, the boys didn't have that opportunity. They had to get up and get their school work done. The big boys had college things today and even some tomorrow as well. Whitman had lots of work with me; he may be slow but he does eventually get it all done. It has helped him lately that he is at the end of his math book so they are just reviewing things that they will learn in the early part of the next book, so math is taking him no time at all right now.
  • Most of my afternoon was spent on cinnamon roll recipe number 5. This one actually ended up being our 3rd favorite. However, the first and second place ones were both sourdough, and I really won't always have sourdough on hand so this recipe is still a keeper.
  • Graham prefers cream cheese icing, and since I wasn't going to make any, he just made some himself. Anderson was glad he did this since he also prefers cream cheese icing. Graham did fine, but his kitchen skills may not be as high as the girls.
  • I continued my kitchen time by making everyone but Keaton grilled cheese tonight. (I would have made her some, but she made nachos instead). Soon after supper, Robby and I turned on hockey-two things I was very surprised about: people were very dressed up and the players had more teeth than I expected. 

February 19, 2025

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  • Even though it was pretty white outside this morning, school went on as planned. Whitman did convince me to do all of the work that we usually do together last today. We usually do half of those things right after we read in the mornings. It was a lot to do, but he didn't mind so neither did I.
  • I thought that the kids would spend more time outside today, but they never really did for long. Graham, Whitman, and Campbell would walk around the house or jump on the trampoline, but no real time spent outside.
  • I actually think the kids are a bit put out with the weather since tonight's church was cancelled. Plus they have the middle school disciple now weekend this weekend which all of my big kids are working so they are getting a bit worried that it will be changed somehow-like start on Saturday instead of Friday.
  • This afternoon was pretty slow-I did go through some clothes with the boys in their closet. I'm trying to go through all of their clothes just a little bit at a time so maybe we will do some more tomorrow. 
  • I made potato soup for supper, and Campbell made cornbread to eat so we all sat at the table. Afterwards, I made everyone do the height chart-Campbell and Whitman grew the most, but the big boys didn't at all. I tried to encourage them that they can grow until they are 21, but don't tell them, it is probably not going to happen!
  • Tonight has been pretty quiet-we are just getting comfy to watch the Hogs-I'll probably do some reading and have some hot chocolate while the game is on.

February 18, 2025

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  • This morning wasn't really how I had planned-Graham originally had the accuplacer scheduled for 1 today, but since the weather was coming, I moved it to 11. Then they moved it to 9 this morning. Unfortunately, he didn't get the score we wanted, which is fine since we can just take it again in a few weeks. 
  • We ran to the library before the test, and then had to run and get some milk afterwards. I wasn't sure if there would be any milk in the store, but there was. We also found some doughnuts since Graham needed breakfast.
  • We then swung by one of Campbell's friend's house to drop off a birthday present. Then it was home to start on school. Thankfully, everyone else had already been working on their school, and the girls were ready for me to start working with them.
  • Then I did some work with Graham but then I had to wait for Whitman to finish lunch before I could do all of his work. I have been laying out everything that we need to do together, and today it was a lot, but we got it all done plus I even managed to read some to him and Keaton.
  • All of this took until about 2, but that wasn't actually horrible since I did get a late start. Anderson was supposed to have a basketball game tonight, but it was cancelled before the weather even started.
  • For the rest of the afternoon, we pretty much just watched the sleet fall-this has been a bit of a disappointing weather event so far since snow would have been so much prettier than this sleet. 
  • I heated up leftovers for most everyone's suppers this evening, and now I think that I am going to get myself some ice cream. 
  • I did text Reagan, and she is much better. She was in her dormroom for over 24 hours so I know that she must have felt horrible-plus she skipped all of her classes today and yesterday. Thankfully though, she is on the mend plus she has been out and about this afternoon around campus.

February 17, 2025

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  • I could not go to sleep until about 3 or even later last night. For some reason though, I still woke up at my normal time...now, I still hit snooze for about an hour like usual though. Thankfully, I wasn't too tired until around 4 this afternoon, but I was afraid that my 3 hour Sunday night is what caused me to not be able to sleep last night so I took a short little cat nap this afternoon.
  • We did the school thing this morning. I'm ready to get a few more things accomplished in our school list-I guess it is only February so I shouldn't be too impatient. The big boys have their first big history test this Thursday so hopefully they have been studying for that. Graham has a test in the morning so he can take freshman comp in the fall-it is a no stress test because if he doesn't get the score he needs, we will try again another time-but I sure would like to be finished with it.
  • Campbell and I worked on a shirt for her and for a friend this afternoon and this evening. It is cute, and she did a good job designing it. She also made cookies tonight while I was gone.
  • I went with a friend to give her the low down on homeschooling high school-I guess I'm an authority now. I'm not too sure about that, but at least I tried to answer her questions and help her out with what I know at least.
  • Afterwards I ran to the grocery store to pick up some winter supplies-Blue Bell. I was going to buy some whipping cream for potato soup, but the man in front of me took the last one. Robby googled that I could just use milk and butter so that was our plan.
  • Until tonight when Robby was getting some milk to drink-it was bad. The other 3 half gallons that we also had that expire in March were also bad. Now, we are going to be in the middle of an ice storm with no milk for soup and hot chocolate! I'm not sure how we will survive! (I'm planning on a grocery store run in the morning so hopefully people haven't bought all of the milk yet!)

February 16, 2025

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  • Church morning and one child took forever to get out of the bed. I woke Graham up with only about 30 minutes for him to take his shower. This made him get up quickly. Whitman was awake on his ipad in his bed so he was ready fairly quickly. But Anderson struggles to move quickly in the morning-struggles! Like I'm considering paying someone in college to make sure that he wakes up for classes.
  • Speaking of waking up for classes, Reagan spent all weekend working at a disciple now at a church in Benton. She wrote me tonight asking about what meds she could take and said she was sick and going to skip her first class in the morning. Hopefully, she will feel better by then or I'll try to encourage her to go and see the doctor on campus. Tonight I told her to take all the medicine.
  • After church we ate at Nonna and Pops' house. The kids were all glad to see Pops-he is doing really well, but maybe moving a little bit slow. I'm glad that he is feeling much better.
  • We ate and then came home-for naps! Then all the boys left this evening-Graham and Whitman went to Rock Creek to play laser tag while Anderson went to his senior life group. They all had fun evenings. 
  • The rest of us stayed home and got ready for supper-it was pretty easy since we just stuck the frozen manicotti in the oven for our Sunday night supper with the Wilsons. It was a good evening to the best part of the week (the weekend).

February 15, 2025

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  • This has been a super rainy day which I have quite enjoyed. We all slept late this morning. I had made my list last night of thing that I needed to do, so when I did wake up I started marking them off.
  • Keaton had a friend spend the night, and they wanted to go to Defy only of they had one trampoline open (it has been closed the last few times) so Keaton called to find out if it was working. They said no, so we marked that off of my list.
  • After the Hogs game, Robby and Campbell went out to eat while I took Keaton to run some errands and to deliver some leftover Valentine goodies to the grandparents. Our little outing didn't take long, but we did get into some heavy rain on our way home.
  • I settled in on the couch under my new blanket with my book and read quite bit this afternoon. The big boys went to Rock Creek for guys night this evening, and Robby left about the same time to pick up some supper and to drop Keaton off at another Valentine's day party. This is her 3rd party to go to in a week.
  • Keaton returned from her party and gave me a report while eating chocolate covered strawberries. They rest of us ate supper here-I'm still trying to clean out the fridge, but no one else seems to be helping me with that task. 
  • Now, I'm going to make sure that a few of these people have had showers, and I might work on my puzzle for a little bit.

February 14, 2025

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  • This morning started with me taking Keaton to babysit. There was only one kiddo there today, so it was just her babysitting. Not only did she get paid, but the sweet momma gave her flowers and cookies. I might she get my a babysitting gig too.
  • Robby picked her up, and then they ran a few errands and picked up some lunch. By lunch time most of the kids were awake-Whitman did not wake up until Graham woke him up at 2 this afternoon. I'm going to assume that he just needed to catch up on his rest.
  • And he will probably sleep that late tomorrow too-we walked over a mile today. We had to walk along Lawson so we capture a few pokemons. The boy then asked to go camping soon-I told him that we would make it happen. He isn't use to a lot of exercise so I know that he will be tired in the morning.
  • When Keaton came home, she went to work on her goodie tray that she had to take tonight for her Valentine's party. Campbell also went with her as the photographer. After Campbell took all of their pictures, she had me come and pick her up since it was right near by. 
  • The boys were playing basketball outside when I got home from getting Campbell. When Anderson walked back in the house, he was drenched in sweat-I'm not sure how they can sweat out there when it is so cold.
  • In a little bit, I have to leave again to go and pick up Keaton. Meanwhile, Reagan is in Benton working a Disciple now weekend so she is pretty close-but we won't see her!

February 13, 2025

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  • Campbell and Keaton went to work this morning for Mother's Day Out, and then they worked again tonight keeping kids at church for Refresh. They would be racking up the money, but it all goes towards camp which is a win for us....not necessarily for the girls though.
  • The boys were the only ones here doing school this morning. It is pretty quiet when it is just them. I had just finished doing spelling with Whitman this afternoon when my mom called asking if I would come and sit with my dad while she ran to pick up his medicine.
  • I grabbed the girls from Robby on my way home since they had eaten lunch out after Robby picked them up. I then was home for a few minutes before I left again to go and meet Robby to get gas in the cars and to pick up a tiny bit of Valentine's candy for the kids. The day before Valentine's is not the time to buy any candy-it was all gone just about.
  • When I came home, I walked with Whitman-you read that correctly. He has downloaded a game on his phone where if he walks so much then he can interact more with the character on the game. Tomorrow we already have plans to walk to the church down the road so he can collect a pokemon there.
  • Before too long, it was time for me to take and then pick up the girls. I was able to do a few more rows on my blanket and plan to finish it this weekend...hopefully. As soon as Keaton came home, she started to work on her food for tomorrow. She is going to a party and has to take a dessert board.
  • I'm going to get up and help her for a bit before I settle in with my hot chocolate for the evening. 

February 12, 2025

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  • Wednesdays are usually pretty busy during school with Campbell and Keaton trying to finish everything for tomorrow and today. Today did have some busy points-at one time I was working on spelling with Campbell and Keaton while Graham was sitting waiting on me.
  • We managed to get everything finished and at a decent time so that was a win. I guess I did wait a little wait to do spelling with Whitman. We have moved on to the next spelling workbook, but after that one there is still 2 left. We should finish spelling officially next year, but there were still be lots of spelling practice for him.
  • On the way home tonight, he was asking about how to spell a word, and we were discussing the English language and all of the crazy spelling rules. Then we moved on to him asking me about popular text acronyms like brb and lol while I was asking him about other acronyms I could think of like icu, rsvp, and ssn. 
  • This afternoon was pretty quiet-I even slept for a bit plus I was able to read some and work on my blanket. It's still wintery so I want to finish by this weekend so I can properly enjoy it. Next, I want to learn how to make a granny square blanket, but I'm going to practice a good bit before I buy yarn again.
  • Church tonight is always fun for the kids and for me. I don't really do anything except for a lot of chatting, so I certainly enjoy it. Whitman was the only one who came home with me since the rest of the kids went to ChickFila. Whit and I both have free nuggets to eat from ChickFilA but we decided to save ours for another day.
  • Robby had me soup for supper and pizza for Whitman so we didn't need those nuggets anyway tonight. Now we are watching football while waiting on the out to eatters to come home. 

February 11, 2025

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  • This morning it was raining so that sure didn't help me get out of bed. Plus knowing that I had two loads of laundry to fold made me stall even more. It was mid morning before that laundry did get folded, but I got it done-though it is still sitting on the bar waiting for people to take it upstairs.
  • We did the school thing this morning but I did take a break to make one batch of muffins for my class meeting tonight. Then it was back to school for a little bit. Campbell has a new math which I think she really likes (as much as you can like math) even though there are videos for her to watch.
  • Soon it was lunch time, and I made another batch of muffins. I should have made only one recipe, but hopefully people will eat some of all these muffins. 
  • My class meeting tonight was a favorite things class meeting so I had to bring four of my favorite things. I hadn't picked up one of them, so I had to run to the store to pick up that. I came back to work on spelling with Whitman, and then after spending a bit of time on my phone, it was time to take my shower and leave for the evening.
  • On my way, I ran by the hospital to see Pops for a little bit. He should go home on Thursday so that is good. Then it was on to class meeting for me. While I was gone, the house was pretty quiet-mostly leftovers were for supper, but I could tell a pizza had been made as well. 
  • Whitman has just downloaded Pokemon Go so he is walking around he house trying to capture a pokemon. I may have to take him hiking or something soon so he can really play that game. Graham was lifting weights when I drove in, but other than that I haven't seen any else. 

February 10, 2025

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  • Keaton tried to convince me yesterday to not start school until 9. I already knew I wasn't going to walk this morning because I am a fair weather walker. Robby didn't know that I kept hitting my alarm clock, so he woke me up worried that I had slept in. I was just stalling though.
  • I did most of my morning things, but I didn't get around to the laundry until much later. We still started pretty much on time with school-the boys have a lot to do in their history class this week so they needed all morning long. 
  • Whitman picked the easiest things from his list to do on Mondays, so he was finished much earlier than I had expected. After lunch, I worked with him and then I ran to get my hair cut and to firm up the glasses plan for Campbell. 
  • I came home and read some and crocheted some. Campbell and Keaton both had naps, I think, this afternoon. They were quiet for a good deal of time until they were not. Then they started fighting over a hair brush. 
  • Even though we had leftovers from Sunday's lunch and Super Bowl food, I even made supper tonight-chicken breast in the crock pot. I had some chicken in the fridge that needed to be cooked so now we have tons of meals to eat. 
  • This evening was Anderson's basketball game. I thought that this was the last one, but it turns out there are at least one more. His team was close, then they got behind by around 20, but then they caught back up. They had fun though so that was fun for us to watch. 
  • Only thing about an 8:00 game is that we do get home pretty late. Anderson is just now eating and everyone else is grabbing their snacks before we call that it is bedtime.

February 9, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning started out early for Robby-he had to get out of bed at 3 this morning to start the meat. All he did have to do was to take the crock pots out of the fridge and turn them on, so it didn't take him too long.
  • I wasn't far behind him because I woke up at 6 so I could start on the mashed potatoes. I knocked those out and put them in another crock pot (my kitchen has been like a crock pot show room today-2 for the meat, 1 for the potatoes, later today 1 for cheese dip, and another for lil smokies).
  • After the potatoes, I got a few more things ready and then woke Graham up. Then I climbed back in bed for about 10 minutes before taking my shower and getting ready for church. 
  • We had to arrive at church early because Robby and I are on now on the offering basket passer list. That is fine because Campbell and Keaton were more than happy to do it for us. This isn't Anderson's week, but he filled in for someone-but he didn't get there early for the meeting. 
  • Reagan and eight for her friends were at church this morning. They filled up a row so that was fun. After church, they all came to the house while the rest of us went to Sunday school. We hurried home, and within just a little bit, we had supper on the table-salad, bread, green beans, mashed potatoes, and roast. 
  • I think that all the college kids enjoyed the meal, plus I think that my people enjoyed it as well. This was the first time that Robby and I have ever made a roast, and since it was good, we were pretty pleased. 
  • The Ouachita-ers headed back, and Robby and I cleaned the kitchen while the big boys went to play basketball. They came home and showered, and then we all left again for our Super Bowl parties. 
  • Keaton, Robby, Whitman, and I went to the Wilsons' house. Graham and Campbell went to one life group party while Anderson went to the other party. We all stayed out late and had fun at our parties. 
  • Once we came in, we unloaded and cleaned up before sending the folks to bed!

February 8, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • I stayed in bed a little later than I wanted to this morning, but when I did get up, I started in the kitchen. Pretty much I really stayed in the kitchen for the rest of the day.
  •  I made our second favorite cinnamon rolls this morning. They are the same ones that I have made before. They are difficult to make because after the dough rises all night, you then have to add in baking soda, salt, and baking powder. It says that you can use your stand mixer-but when your stand mixer is 25 years old-you don't take any chances. You just knead it in by hand-and it was a bit difficult to do. The cinnamon rolls were still very good though.
  • Next I made brownies for Keaton's dessert for her Super Bowl party today. I had to eventually wake her up to come and decorate her brownies and turn them into footballs. Meanwhile, I started to make ooey gooey but didn't have enough eggs to double the recipe so I had to wait on Robby to arrive back home from the store.
  • Campbell came down and started to work on her dessert for tomorrow night-chocolate dipped pretzels. She also wanted spicy cheese its, so I made those too for one of the boys to take. However, the boys are now going to a different party, so I'm not exactly sure who will take those cheese its...does that mean we have to make something else? Surely not.
  • Soon it was time for me to take Keaton and Whitman to their Super Bowl party. I think that they both had a good time. Whitman told me all about it on the drive home, and he was so hot and sweaty from all of the games that they played.
  • I didn't pick Keaton up from the Super Bowl party because I just left her at church. I also dropped Campbell off as well because they were working keeping kids there tonight. It is always strange to me that people trust my babies to keep babies.
  • There was more work in the kitchen when I came home-Robby made rice krispy treats, and I prepped some things for tomorrow. We still have a little bit more to do tonight to get ready for lunch, but now the Hogs are on and pizza is for supper.

February 7, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • I always have more plans for the day than I actually have time for. Today, I had my normal list of things to do plus I had written out everything that needs to happen to clean this house. I would do 2 things off of one list and then one thing from the other list.
  • I was rocking through those lists-until I got to the chores that I don't like to do-the potties and vacuuming. Needless to say, those still haven't been done, but maybe they will be tomorrow. 
  • Robby and I always find it funny that we usually have nothing to do or we are crazy busy-this weekend is one of those crazy busy times. We have multiple things everyday-plus many of those things involve me making some type of food. We will get it all done though.
  • The kids were awake earlier than I thought that they would be this morning after staying up pretty late. Campbell came downstairs when Bentley came down, and everyone else soon followed.
  • I went to see Nonna and Pops at the hospital. Nonna was even staying over tonight so Pops wouldn't be as bored. He will even have some of his therapies on Saturday and Sunday so he won't have time to be too bored.
  • I came home and soon left to take Campbell to baby sit. I came home and Robby left to take Keaton to a party. I then made a few batches of cookies for Whitman to take to his party tomorrow along with cinnamon roll dough because why not?
  • Before my cookies were all out of the oven, I had to leave to pick up Campbell, and since we were out, I also picked up Keaton from her party. Now, it is after 9 and I just feel like I sat down....but I might get me some hot chocolate so that will help end my evening on a high note. 

February 6, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • Campbell and Keaton headed to work early this morning, while the boys and I stayed home and worked on school. The day was pretty quiet around here so I did a few things-not any cleaning of the house things though.
  • Before too long, it was the lunch time. I ended up making grilled cheese for the big boys. Then Whitman and I worked on our spelling and his extra math. He's such a good sport-no one else has ever worked with me as much as he gets too. He needs the extra spelling work, but he really doesn't need any extra math help but he is so smart it sure doesn't hurt.
  • After we finished that, I hurried to pick up the girls. They had a good day and still enjoy it. We went home, and I did a few more things-finished a book I was listening to, finished a book I was reading, and finished a color on my blanket that I am crocheting (3 more rows of colors left). 
  • The boys went outside to play basketball, and no one took me up on my offer to make supper for them. Campbell made her and Anderson chicken while Graham ate a leftovers sandwich that Robby picked up. I'm not sure about what anyone else ate though!
  • Now, I just finished mixing up some bread to make tomorrow plus I might get me some hot chocolate later. I have been on a hot chocolate kick lately. 

February 5, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning I wasn't going to walk, but then I decided to, and after getting up a little bit early, I opened the door and walked out and it was raining. It was just sprinkling so at least I was able to brush Bentley for a second before we hurried back into the dry house.
  • We did the school thing this morning. Some days are just a bit quieter than others-I was even able to work in the attic straightening some during school. I just did tried to do that for 10 minutes, but I figure something is better than nothing. 
  • Reagan is having some people over Sunday so I really feel like I need to do a little more cleaning around here. I know no one will be going in the attic, but I need to start doing something in all these other rooms that people will visit...or maybe I can wait until Friday or Saturday. 
  • After school, I ate my lunch and then worked with Whitman. Campbell and Keaton got ready and left early this afternoon with me. We were gone for the rest of the day. First we stopped at Costco-I'm still working on getting Campbell her glasses. 
  • Then it was a trip to Walmart and Hobby Lobby. After those places, we went to see Pops for a little bit. This was my first time to go to the rehab place so it took me forever to get to him-we even had a little elevator snafu which almost caused Campbell to have a panic attic.
  • When we did get to Pops' room, I could hardly talk because Campbell made us climb the stairs to his room, and I was still out of breath. He was doing much, much better today. This was his first day full of speech, physical, and occupational therapies. He said that speech was definitely the hardest.
  • He had just gotten a big bag of goodies to eat, so he had himself a snack while we were there-and when we left. We then went to see Nonna and pick up her crock pot.
  • Then it was on to the library before going to church. Church was interesting tonight because kids were getting sick right and left. I guess things were going around-hopefully, we don't catch anything!

February 4, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • Another day of school here. Whitman's jammed thumb didn't cause too much of an issue, but this morning Campbell's ear was bothering her so hopefully that will be better quickly. People are just falling apart around here.
  • Yesterday, I mentioned that I had my jacket off and on all day long, but today was just as bad. I didn't need my coat on my first walk, but I did need that jacket on my second walk. 
  • This afternoon I took Keaton and Whitman to the trampoline park. They enjoyed jumping, but the trampoline mat that Keaton loves to do her flips on was gone, plus the workers were on high alert and told the kids everything they did wrong-it probably didn't help that they were the only ones there!
  • When we came home, I read some and then I started on making manicotti for supper-for some reason we have had way too much extra ricotta cheese so finally today, I was able to use it all. I made a pan of manicotti for tonight plus I made another pan of manicotti to add to the other pans of manicotti in the freezer-if you come to our house over the next few weeks, you will eat manicotti.
  • Even with making supper, we have had plenty of evening tonight which has been nice after yesterday's shorter night with Anderson's game. I plan to read some more, crochet some more on my blanket, and even have me some hot chocolate. 

February 3, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • Another Monday morning school day, but this was the first day in a while that I woke up early and took my walk before school. The weather was so nice, though this morning it was a bit chilly, but then I did get a bit warm.
  • That is how I am in the house too-I'm cold and then I'm hot. I am constantly taking off and putting on my jacket depending on where I am sitting or what time of the day it is. We did our morning school things, but my afternoon school things with Whitman I hurried us on through.
  • Whitman actually jammed or bruised or something to his thumb today when running through the house. It is swollen and bruised so I even let him skip handwriting this afternoon. However, it will probably hurt him worse tomorrow so I probably shouldn't have let him skip today.
  • I went to see Pops at the hospital. He was pretty tired and quiet today, but Nonna was glad to see me for someone to visit with for a bit. Pops might get moved to rehab tomorrow which will be a good thing.
  • I came home and took one more walk in this pretty weather. Then I even played a game with Whitman-we had played this game anther time, and we weren't really sure how to play it. Today, though, we figured it out and played correctly. 
  • Soon it was time for us to leave for Anderson's basketball game. They played some old guys tonight, but they were still big guys. Our boys got behind by only 6 points at one point, but they weren't able to overtake those big old guys.
  • The game started at 8 so it was late by the time that we came home. Some of the kids hadn't had supper, so they are just not eating even though it is bedtime. 

February 2, 2025

 (click for today's pictures)

  • I slept much better last night than I had the night before. Plus I was awake early enough to do a few things at home before we left for church today. After church we came straight home, since Pops is still in the hospital for a bit longer. 
  • It was a good thing to eat at home because our fridge was absolutely overflowing-leftover pasta, 4 leftovers pizzas, 3 boxes of leftover Texas Roadhouse, at least 20 Chickfila nuggets, a bowl of tortilla soup, a Slim Chicken sandwich, and Panda express leftovers. We barely made a dent so all of those things will be lunch and supper tomorrow.
  • Plus Anderson had to leave early this afternoon to go to Ouachita for the Presidential Leadership Forum. Reagan went last year and said it was a good bit boring. So far, Anderson has reported the same thing, but he knows quite a few guys there so surely that will help.
  • Campbell had her D group this afternoon in Benton. So after dropping her off, I went to Walmart just to look at their yarn. I was even about to leave without buying anything, but I did think of something as I was about to walk out so I didn't leave empty handed-but no yarn though.
  • Keaton had her D group later in the afternoon in Bryant, but she had a ride to that so that did help quite a bit-that meant that I could come home and set on the couch for a little bit. I did work on my grocery list plus I did a little bit of crocheting. 
  • Before too long, Graham and Campbell left for Rock Creek. We met back up with them at the Wilson's house for supper. They stayed and ate before heading home. After they left, we were able to do some visiting for a bit...then we came home to start the saddest part of the week....Sunday night.

February 1, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • I left early this morning to go to the hospital to check on Pops. He was sleeping when I got there, but it didn't take long for me to realize that he was much better today. When I  left yesterday, he wasn't able to get any meaningful words out at all. However, this morning he could pretty much have a conversation. 
  • Now, he still has trouble recalling the names of things. For example, he couldn't name animals, but when she asked what animal gives us eggs, he could come up with the word chicken. The brain is so interesting to me. I didn't get a report from my mom at the end of the day, but he was moved to a real room this afternoon so that is good.
  • Also in big news-we had our fourth cinnamon roll taste test tonight. The new rankings are as follows: Number 4-Pioneer Woman's, Number 3-Pulaski Techs, Number 2-Soughdough, and Number 1-Tonight's sourdough discard recipe. This was an interesting recipe because it uses the sourdough discard part of the sourdough-basically the leftovers that won't cause it to rise. The recipe uses baking powder and soda so there is no rise time-I had them made in about an hour start to finish. 
  • Back to the day though, after leaving the hospital, I picked up Campbell and her friend. We went to Texas Roadhouse with Robby, and then eventually ended up at Costco to buy glasses. And dang it, they can't do Campbell's glasses. I then ran into Success Vision, and they also can't do her prescription. Basically, we have to go buy glasses at an optometrist's office which will be double or triple what I would pay some where else. (She does wear them every day, so it will be worth it though.)
  • We then came home, and I soon had a nap. As I was making the cinnamon rolls Keaton came home from spending the night-she had eaten chicken pot pie tonight which she loved and bought a sweatshirt to sew some words on. It's going to be cute.
  • The Wilsons came over to watch the basketball game and share their cookies. We had our cinnamon rolls to share plus the winning game made it an even better evening.