October 9, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Today was finally Wednesday-the day that I thought it was yesterday. Campbell and Keaton were able to finish up their school work for today and tomorrow while Whitman barely finished his today-actually, he finished math so late that I have yet to check it so I guess we will add that to his pile tomorrow.
  • Anderson did some intricate painting on his helmet-I guess I need to take a picture of it. Graham worked all afternoon long. 
  • Robby did take Whitman, Anderson, and Keaton went to Defy this afternoon for a little bit with Robby. Those 3 really all enjoy it so much so I am glad they are able to do it for a few more weeks.
  • Tonight was Fields of Faith-a worship service at Bryant's football field. Anderson went there, but after Campbell saw how few people were at church tonight she managed a ride with her friends. Graham said that church was definitely empty since everyone was at the other thing.
  • We came home and had our supper-and now I'm not sure if I want hot chocolate or ice cream!

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