October 8, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • All day long today I have been thinking that today was Wednesday. Once, I even mentioned going to church tonight before someone reminded me what day it was. We zoomed through school-not really, I actually finished around 2, but then spelling with Whitman didn't end until 4-so today's school day was fairly long.
  • Graham skipped school today since he is ahead in his math. I never skipped school-ever! So I can't believe that I let them not go to class.
  • Anderson spent most of the afternoon again working on his helmet, while Campbell iced her brownies super cute. Late this afternoon everyone but Campbell played a game outside-I believe that it was some form of ultimate frisbee golf. I'm not sure exactly what they were doing.
  • Campbell didn't play because she had just taken a shower because she had a party to go to tonight. At 20 til her party, I text her to ask when she was planning on leaving. I got no response so I went up there and found her sound asleep. Her alarms didn't go off so she was a bit frantic, but we got her to the party just a few minute late so all was well.
  • She had a cute dessert to take plus they swapped fall scented candles, and she came home with a good one. While she was there, Robby and I ran some errands the entire time that she was at her party.
  • Once we came home, the kids devoured some of our leftovers, and I had to check some of Keaton's school. Now, it is bedtime for this crew!

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