October 20, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

 I was pretty cozy this morning in the camper bed, but I did get out near the time that my alarm rang. I left a little bit before 9 which gave me plenty of time. On my way home, I did have to stop and pick up 100 strawberries for a baby shower. 

I built in some extra time just in case the first store that I stopped at didn't have strawberries. When I walked towards the strawberry case, I could see the big "sale" sign which usually means they will be out of strawberries, but imagine my relief when they had plenty of boxes of the prettiest strawberries.

I then went home and unloaded a few things from my car. I washed the strawberries and kept the laundry washing, drying, and folding routine happening. After taking my shower, I loaded up and headed to church only to get a note saying that we didn't have to be there as early. So I turned around (I hadn't gone far) and came home for a few more minutes. By this time, there wasn't much else I could do in the house so I did a few school things for next week.

I was trying to mark things off of my Monday list since it is a little bit crazy. Thankfully, I was able to mark off a few things. Then I hurried to start setting up for the baby shower I was helping to throw. 

Meanwhile, the kids all woke up and went to church this morning. After church they had an Operation Christmas Shoebox packing party. They all stayed and helped pack the boxes. When that was over, the boys went home, but Campbell and Keaton joined me at the baby shower. 

Robby packed up the rest of the camper things this morning and headed home. He ran a few errands on his way home, but soon was home and unloaded. He even had time to make a peanut butter pie for our Sunday school fellowship tonight.

When the shower was over, Campbell and Keaton helped everyone clean up. Then we hurried home-Graham, Keaton, and Whitman went to Rock Creek for their Sunday night stuff. Campbell went with Robby and I to our Sunday school class fellowship, and Anderson went to his senior life group tonight.

We were about to leave our fellowship when we got the call-Graham-he hit a deer on the way home. The car is kind of alright-the light and bumper are cracked so I'm not sure what Robby has planned for that since no repairs are cheap. Thankfully, though they were all okay since it could have been worse. Whitman said that it was scary-he saw the eyes coming at him. I'm sure it shook Graham up a little bit. 

He hit it on Lawson, and he must not have been going to quickly since he said there was a line of 5 cars behind him so he had to drive a bit before he could pull over and check on the car. 

Anderson is still gone, but the rest of us are in the house now-Robby and I are trying to warm up from our fellowship since it was outside. I've already had quite a few snacks today or I would make me some hot chocolate to warm up!

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