October 15, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Last night, I ended the blog fairly early-I did have my hot chocolate and was even surprised at how much time I had left in the evening. However, at about 9:50 these children asked me to play a game. First, I said it was too late, but I eventually caved so we played Billionaire until after 11. 
  • People were still up fairly early this morning-I did have to wake up Graham so he could head to school, but Whitman was already up, and I had to yell at Anderson to wake up very little. I'm working on trying my best right now to get through all of my library books that I read to Keaton and Whitman before Christmas so I'm concentrating on them. (And I know it is a while until Christmas, but that is how many I have in my pile.)
  • We did the school thing this morning, but gracious, I'm not sure again what happened to Whitman. I thought he was on track, but I was finishing spelling at 5 this afternoon. We did leave for a good bit in the afternoon to get our flu shots. Since Reagan is a school, there was one less, but I know there are still a lot of us traipsing through Kroger. Robby did buy candy for the ride home, so no one complained too much about their shots.
  • When we made it home, the kids all played football for a little bit. That is another reason that Whitman was finishing school so late-his mother is a softee. I figure it is better to play outside with your brothers and sisters than to do a page a math. We still got the math done, it was just later.
  • Robby and I took Campbell to soccer tonight and ran some errands while she was there. Graham came in from running and made chicken pasta for supper for everyone (frozen meal). 
  • Tonight when we came home from soccer, Graham then made brownies so he was quite the chef today. Right now is it the calm before the storm-the house is super quiet, but I'm about to tell everyone that it is bedtime, and things will get crazy.

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