October 1, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning as I was getting ready, I heard Graham walking up to the bonus room. Then I heard him talking to someone. Later, I found out that Anderson and Whitman were already up. I'm not sure why everyone was awake some early this morning.
  • I have been told (by Campbell) that I do not talk enough about Campbell in this little blog-so let me just tell you, she gets out of bed every morning without me asking her multiple times. Then she starts on her school work and works diligently on it. I've been so impressed with how she has handled her extra work this year in high school.
  • School went fairly quickly today-Graham even came home from math and had finished his work for the day. His midterm is coming up, but the big boys art is also getting a little crazy. They have so many quizzes that they have to do each week, and they are due soon.
  • Robby was soon home from his errands, and then he was gone again for a bit of camping. I took him a car, and then he brought me home. I will join him camping later this week, but he went early to get our prime spot-plus I think he likes a little bit of quiet time!
  • I took Campbell to practice tonight. While she was practicing, I walked around the fields and then sat in the car for the next hour until she was done. I was able to read some of my book and even listen to some of my book so that made my super happy. 
  • When we came home, I read to Keaton and Whitman to make up for the reading that Keaton will miss on Thursday. Then there was some ice cream, and now I'm about to herd people to bed. Since Bentley is not here, the kids are out of their routine-usually Campbell takes her out at night, and then everyone has to come to our bedroom to tell her goodnight. I think that the dog is the reason that bedtime takes so long. We will see if there is a difference tonight-starting now! 

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