October 5, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 1

(click for today's pictures)

Robby and I weren't able to sleep in today. We woke up and quickly scurried around and headed to Raymar. Anderson was already there with Campbell, Keaton, and Whitman. Campbell and Keaton were already setting up the concession stand when we drove up.

It was hot today, but the games went pretty quickly. Robby ran some errands during the last game and arrived back just as it was over. I think that Anderson only had to ref one game while Whitman worked hard in the concession stand.

The kids went by ChickFila on their way home, and picked up the last 90 of our free nuggets. Never fear though, we all earned some more nuggets tonight after the Hogs football game. Graham reported that they ate most of them but still have a few left.

When we came back to the campground, it was pretty hot out. We hung out outside though-I finished my book and even had a short nap in the sun. Of course, Bentley loves being outside, except for when she is ready to go in-then she would walk to the door of the camper and bark. 

Robby and I made little brownie trifles for dessert tonight-that was fun. They had friend rice and all of the fixings for tonight's supper. Then everyone sat around and watched the Hogs win their football game. It isn't often that the Hogs win a close game so it was fun to watch all of the people celebrate. 

We did a quick walk and a quick pack up tonight before coming in the camper, and now I'm going to take a quick shower before I lay my head down. 

October 4, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 1

(click for today's pictures)

Camping mornings are always the best mornings. Robby, Bentley, and I stayed in the bed until almost 10. Robby was busy doing his work most of the time while I did some reading and phone surfing. Bentley just slept. She continued to sleep until we forced her out of bed so I could make the bed before we left.

Tony had made some breakfast so we ate a bite there, and then I went walking with some ladies. We walked all of the loops here so that was a trek, and Bentley was tired when we came home.

The weather was a bit warm this afternoon, but it was pleasant in the shade and eventually it cooled off. Robby and I ran to Kroger and to Sonic this afternoon. The ice cream that I had been wanting was on sale so we bought some to eat on the way back to the campground. It was good, and we still have another tiny container of it for tomorrow.

There were quite a few more walks today, and then supper tonight included bbq and cobbler. I had to bring potato salad and was busy chatting so I forgot that I should have put it in a container so it looked like I made it myself. 

Meanwhile, the kids had a slow day-Keaton sold a purse and made peanut butter cups while Whitman made cotton candy. Graham went to work so he was busy most of the afternoon, and Anderson painted some on his helmet that he is working on. I never heard anything about what Campbell did today, but I will update you tomorrow on her activities!

October 3, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 1

(click for today's pictures)

Maybe I should have started my camping blog titles a few days ago when Robby left for Maumelle, but I'll start it today since I have not joined him. Even though we all were up later last night playing out game, everyone got up when asked today.

Of course, the girls were already awake and roaming around the house as I was walking through with my laundry basket. I hurried on my walk so I would have about 20 minutes to read with Whitman before taking Campbell and Keaton to church. Whitman still enjoys me reading to him-I even started reading another book to just him. 

I took the girls and hoped that the big boys would go to work on their school work while I was gone-I was afraid they would be tempted to stay in their beds. Actually, I said that I took the girls, but Campbell drove us to church today, and when I did come home, all the boys were working hard (well, Whitman was already having a break.)

I did school with Whitman and then Graham. Once again, I thought that having the girls gone during the day would free up some of my time, but maybe since I made bread and muffins this morning that is where my extra time went. I was still running around trying to get everything marked off my list by this afternoon.

I had a super quick walk before picking up the girls and while the muffins were in the oven. If the girls had been at home, I wouldn't have thought a thing about asking them to take the pans out of the oven. However, the boys-not so much. Whitman is a bit scared of the oven so he is out. Anderson probably would be distracted and wouldn't hear the timer, and Graham would second guess himself on if they were done or not. That is all fine though because I probably need motivation to pick up the pace on my walks a little bit.

Campbell and Keaton once again had a great time helping at Mother's Day Out. Keaton talked the whole way home about her little class. I'm glad that they have found something to do that they really enjoy. It does make for a little bit crazier school week, but I'm good with some crazy.

Anderson had to paint the fields at Raymar, and Graham tagged along because afterwards they went to play basketball at a friend's house. They were able to play for a an hour, and then met up with the others at Nonna and Pops' house. Today is Jason's birthday so they celebrated him with hamburgers. 

Meanwhile I went my class meeting, and then Robby picked me up to join him camping. We found the Wilsons and took the dogs on a walk. Now, I'm in the bed all cozied up with Bentley about to read my book!

October 2, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I was the first one awake today, and it was a little bit differing since Bentley wasn't with me on my walk. Actually, my walk went a little bit quicker this morning because I didn't have to wait around for her, but also I was moving fairly quickly since it was cold out!
  • Even though school did go smoothly today, it seemed to last forever. At 1, Keaton and Whitman convinced me to take them to Defy. Since we have a few friend passes Anderson came along too. They were all set on only staying less than an hour, but after a bit over an hour I had to call them to leave. 
  • Anderson spent most of the rest of the day working on his 3D printing things. He is printing a new helmet and painting another one. Keaton had a bit of extra school work today since she was preparing to be gone tomorrow all day. Campbell has already finished all of her school work for tomorrow so she didn't have as much to do today.
  • We all had church tonight plus a stop to the library on the way. I took Keaton by ChickFIlA on the way home to pick up her free 30 nuggets. Anderson and Graham both bought theirs as well, but Campbell decided that she didn't want to have to share her nuggets with her friends.
  • There was a wreck or something on the way home, so it took us a while to get home. When we did get home, I made some bread while Keaton finished her school work. Now, the 5 of us are in the living room playing a game from the 1970s.

October 1, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning as I was getting ready, I heard Graham walking up to the bonus room. Then I heard him talking to someone. Later, I found out that Anderson and Whitman were already up. I'm not sure why everyone was awake some early this morning.
  • I have been told (by Campbell) that I do not talk enough about Campbell in this little blog-so let me just tell you, she gets out of bed every morning without me asking her multiple times. Then she starts on her school work and works diligently on it. I've been so impressed with how she has handled her extra work this year in high school.
  • School went fairly quickly today-Graham even came home from math and had finished his work for the day. His midterm is coming up, but the big boys art is also getting a little crazy. They have so many quizzes that they have to do each week, and they are due soon.
  • Robby was soon home from his errands, and then he was gone again for a bit of camping. I took him a car, and then he brought me home. I will join him camping later this week, but he went early to get our prime spot-plus I think he likes a little bit of quiet time!
  • I took Campbell to practice tonight. While she was practicing, I walked around the fields and then sat in the car for the next hour until she was done. I was able to read some of my book and even listen to some of my book so that made my super happy. 
  • When we came home, I read to Keaton and Whitman to make up for the reading that Keaton will miss on Thursday. Then there was some ice cream, and now I'm about to herd people to bed. Since Bentley is not here, the kids are out of their routine-usually Campbell takes her out at night, and then everyone has to come to our bedroom to tell her goodnight. I think that the dog is the reason that bedtime takes so long. We will see if there is a difference tonight-starting now!