September 8, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • For some reason, I always seem to be a in a rush on Sunday mornings. I was able to get the blasted laundry folded this morning plus a little lunch ready before we left so it was a win. When I went to wake up the kids, the girls were already awake, but the boys were still sound asleep. I have a snaking suspicion that they stay up a wee bit too late.
  • We did church-this is our 4th week in a grown up Sunday school class, and it is just quite different. Robby and I do a good job at sitting still, but wow, I just keep wondering how did we get so old so quickly?
  • Grannymom and Grandpa are a bit under the weather, so we had lunch at home this afternoon. I had made poppyseed chicken along with some rolls for our lunch. It is had to please my crowd, but since Whitman went back for seconds, I will take it as a win even if I will be the one to finish off the leftovers.
  • This afternoon Robby ran some errands, while the big boys played basketball and I napped. I am pretty sure that Campbell and Keaton napped as well. Then tonight was the first night of Geyer Life Groups. 
  • We haven't had a great deal of luck with lifegroups, but I think that all of the kids will enjoy their groups this year. Whitman and Keaton are in one group which is in the same neighborhood as Anderson, Graham, and Campbell's lifegroup. I think that they all enjoyed their lifegroups, but Whitman was very chatty on the way home which is a sign that he enjoyed the evening for sure. 
  • Now, we are home, and I am trying to figure out what I can do now to help make the week run more smoothly-and really, it is probably a little too late for that.

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