September 7, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Robby was up first this morning to run some errands, and then I left to let Annie out. I then came back here to make sure that Anderson and Keaton were awake and out the door. Anderson went to paint the fields at Raymar while Keaton went to do some dog sitting of her own. 
  • The air conditioner man was here before Robby made it back home. The upstairs has just not been cooling lately-their rooms are built into the roof so there is little insulation, and it has been super hot-but usually the rule is when I think it is hot, then it is really hot-which in this case means that the air conditioner isn't working great.
  • Of course, things were working great today probably because of the cooler weather. They tried one thing, but the thermostat stopped working while he was here as well. So maybe the thought is that the thermostat was causing the problem-that is what we are crossing our fingers for at least.
  • Soon afterwards, the football game came on. Robby had said that he would just watch some and then we would leave, but it was a close game so we watched until the bitter end unfortunately. When it was over, we left with Campbell and Keaton for some errands.
  • We ran our Little Rock errands, and then went to Bryant and dropped the girls off for some more dog sitting. Robby and I did a few shops then before picking them up. The next stop was Dillards to pick up Reagan's birthday gift. I swear it has been at least a decade since I have been in Dillards-Keaton and Campbell were intrigued walking through the store.
  • Next up, we ate at Tacos for Life while the boys ate here. Once we returned home, I went to work on tomorrow's lunch while Robby made brownies for tonight. Now I am in my comfy chair eating brownies!

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