September 5, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • On Thursdays, not only do I have to do school, but I also have to get school ready for the next week. And today, even though I finished school with everyone early, it seemed like it had still been a long day. Then I had to get everything ready for next week too, but I have that down to a science now.
  • Graham went to his class-on his drive home, the radio came loudly on which scared him. At the same time, he saw Robby driving past him-we figure that Robby's bluetooth connected to the radio and then terrified Graham.
  • Later in the day, Anderson had been watching Robby and waiting for his Sonic drink delivery, but since it didn't look like he could get home in time, Anderson went ahead and left. Of course, they ended up crossing each other's paths, but not with enough time to stop to pass the drink. It was still good when Anderson made it home from class though.
  • His class at school is more of just a study hall right now which frustrates him a little bit-and it really frustrates me! I hope they get things figured out, but today he used that time to work on his other college class.
  • This evening Campbell had soccer practice, so Robby and I took her to that. I do think that she is enjoying it, but she came home all itchy today because of the grass. I gave her some benedryl tonight, but I will make sure that she starts taking allergy medicine as well. 

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