September 30, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Today's school went smoothly for everyone-at least I think that it did. I can safely say that we are in the school groove. As soon as school is over every day, I pile up all of the books that we read each morning, and then I lay out everyone's piles of books to check everyone's stuff.
  • I had a fairly long list today, but I zoomed through it-nothing was major, and I never put anything on my list that takes more than 10 minutes. I like to work in small chunks of time. Now, I write out my list each day on a piece of notebook paper, but on the side I also have my monthly to do list which also gets written out each day. This does help me remember what I all I have to do each month-not that all of it gets done!
  • Graham went to work while Anderson went to work later in the afternoon. Keaton wanted to go to Defy so I took her and Whitman, They stayed for over an hour jumping, and Whitman's face was as red as a beat when we finally did leave. 
  • On the way home, Shannon wrote and told us about ChickFilA's deal of the day-so we scrapped supper plans picked up the kids' supper from there. Robby had a mystery shop at another restaurant so we ate there on our way to ChickFIlA. 
  • Back at home tonight, I threw a few things in the laundry basket to take camping and tried to pick up the kitchen, but now I am in my chair with my blanket trying to decide if I want to take a nap before bed or if I want to read some.

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