September 3, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • We did the school thing this morning with Graham having to leave for his class before everyone else woke up. They were up soon afterwards and started to work. I had to rush a little bit because I had to take Campbell to the orthodontist.
  • Her permanent retainer broke, and I sure wasn't expecting a massive bill for a 2 inch wire. The lady could see the shock on my face when I passed her my credit card. However, we want Campbell's teeth to stay pretty and straight.
  • We rushed home so I could work with Keaton, Graham, and then Whitman. Whitman usually does 2 things and then takes a 5 minute break. I am not sure what he was doing today, but he was running super behind. Now, in his defense he did do a few things for tomorrow so that probably put him behind.
  • Eventually, school was finished for the day, and I went upstairs to the girls' room to work for a little bit. Now, they were both sleeping or they were both pretending to sleep. I still went in their closet and cleaned off a shelf. Then I helped Graham organize his drawers under his bed.
  • Robby took Campbell to soccer practice tonight, and I went to girls' night with my Sunday school class. I beat Robby home, but when we all arrived home, everyone started getting ready for tomorrow.

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