September 29, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning was church morning which is the earliest we all ever have to leave during the week. Most everyone wakes up without any problems-except for Anderson. He is just a heavy sleeper, and his alarm clock does not do the trick. Basically, he will need all afternoon classes in college.  I guess we will need to start working on him waking up some how!
  • I was able to share some of my sour dough starter with a friend. She was super excited about getting it so that was fun. Maybe she will inspire me to bake a few things with mine because I am about ready to throw mine away. It has been almost a year, and we have had fun, but it is just one more thing to take care of.
  • It just seems like a few days ago that we were in Reagan's senior Sunday school class meeting, but today was the day that we went to Anderson's meeting. They basically introduce the teachers and tell what they are going to do. Their class is so good-so good that we wish that we could go to it. They don't mess around in there-those kids get years worth of knowledge in just a few weeks.
  • We picked up McDonalds on the way home this afternoon since we didn't go to Nonna and Pops'-we had been there last night. We all ate, and then Robby and I ran a few errands and picked up some groceries that we needed. 
  • When we came home, I had a nap while Robby worked in the yard. Then I took Campbell and Keaton to work at church while the big boys went to Rock Creek. Robby and I then started on supper-dorito casserole which Campbell has been asking for and snicker doodle cobbler which was pretty good. 
  • Not it is super late-I have chatted with most of the kids this evening-so now I'm late for my blog and for my shower.

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