September 28, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning started off early at Raymar for Anderson, Campbell, Keaton, and me. I was cozy in the car but decided that since it was a bit chilly out, then I would need to make some coffee and have the hot chocolate ready so I jumped out of the car and went to work.
  • People love them some coffee-we stayed busy during the first half of the game working plus we even sold out of most of the ChickFilA before the game was over. I sure needed my worker people. 
  • After the rush calmed down, it was a much more pleasant morning. Robby, Whitman, and Bentley showed up for the rest of the games. Usually in the mornings, Bentley does not jump out of bed, but Robby said that this morning she did fly out of the bed when he asked if she wanted to go in the car.
  • When the games were over, we all came home. Robby and I did go to Kroger on the way. We also picked up 3 free crumble cookies along with a gallon on free lemonade so we were pleased with that.
  • The football game was on all afternoon-and there were good times, but mostly bad times during it. At one point, Campbell said that the hogs were doing better when she was upstairs, and I told her that they were also doing better when I was asleep! I guess that she should have gone upstairs, and I should have continued my nap.
  • After the game, we hurried over to Nonna and Pops' house to celebrate Keaton, Robby, and Jason's birthdays. (We celebrated Jason's birthday a little early.) Nonna and Pops had pizza and a beautiful cake. We visited and then opened presents after cake.
  • Back at home, the kids all cycled through the showers while I worked on next month's plans.

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