September 24, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I heard that someone was awake and moving around before I climbed out of bed. I did my morning things, and then decided that I should go and just make sure that it was Graham already upstairs taking a shower. It wasn't Graham, but instead it was Whitman getting a little ipad time before it was time for school to start.
  • Graham soon went to school-he doesn't mind it too much, and his teacher does actually teach the next lesson. (And he probably likes to drive which is another reason that he doesn't mind driving there and back.)
  • However, Anderson comes home frustrated each school day. Last year, I think that teacher tried to help them, but this year it is like he is in a study hall. They have watched the teachers videos a few times-which he could do at home. Today, he said that no one was really working-this really only bothers me because I wasted money on signing him up for class. 
  • I have slowly learned what concurrent classes we need to take at the co-op. I am down to just math and history, but I just might be convinced to not take either one the next time we need them. Or really, maybe I should just get me a job there!
  • Anyway, the rest of our school day went fine-though Whitman is still dragging. Today, I was cleaning the attic by 11:30 so I am not really sure what happened. I still had to work with Whitman but we got that done early as well.
  • Keaton wanted a new pair of jeans, but the only ones she could find were online where she would have to pay 10 dollars to return. She suggested that we go to Platos to look around. Campbell, Keaton, and I went today. 
  • Keaton found her some jeans, but Campbell didn't find anything. I looked so hard for Campbell something that I found myself something-of course mine was 70% off so I just spent 3 dollars. After Platos, Keaton ran into Baskin Robbins where she got a birthday scoop of ice cream. And if you remember, she doesn't like ice cream-but Campbell and I do!
  • Then we went to Nothing Bundt Cake and picked up Keaton and Robby's free little cakes. Then we ran to Walmart to but a candle for a party Campbell is going to along with some avacados for her to make guacomole.
  • Finally our last stop was Sephora for more birthday freebies for Keaton. We then came home for just a few minutes before I had to leave again with Campbell for her soccer practice. I could have come home, but why and I could have gone to a store, but again why. So I just sat in the car and read and listened to my book. It was pretty pleasant out so I enjoyed it.

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