September 22, 2024-Happy 50th Birthday Robby!

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning when Robby woke up the bar was full of cards and even a cake. (Actually, the cards and cake made their appearance a bit after Robby was up, but it was still before we left for church.) Anderson and Whitman had made Robby a cake last night, and Keaton iced the cake. Keaton and Whitman made a giant card while the others all made him cards as well. 
  • We took a few birthday pictures, and then hurried to get doughnuts Graham had been craving doughnuts, so Robby used his birthday as an excuse to make Graham happy. They were pretty good, and since the doughnut shop is so close to church, the kids were scarffing them down on our way.
  • I had worship care so Robby was on his own during church, but Graham and Whitman did sit with him. Reagan went to Third again today for church-this was her first time to repeat a church since she has been at school. 
  • Robby and I met back up in Sunday school, and afterwards we waited on the kids to show up from their classes. Then we headed to Grannymom's house for Sunday lunch. She had some yummy food plus oreo delight which is a favorite of all of us-well, except for my two non ice cream eaters (who would have thought that Robby and I would have children who do not like ice cream.)
  • We then came home for the afternoon. Robby ended up doing some mystery shopping with Tony while I had myself a nap. Then I left with Keaton and took her to her Dgroup at Starbucks before taking her and her friends to their life group at a house nearby. 
  • I sat in the car and read my book some-but apparently I can't read for an hour without getting distracted by sleep and by my phone. Anderson took Whitman to his lifegroup, and then went to his own group with Graham and Campbell. 
  • When I came home from taking Keaton, I had a list of things to do-and gracious, I forgot to make a dessert for Robby tonight. He had his cake that the kids made, but I had been saving this dessert for a while to make tonight. I didn't have vanilla ice cream so I didn't really plan ahead, but it is on my list to accomplish sometime soon. 
  • Shannon came over and met up with Tony. Then for supper, we had all of their fast food mystery shop food-it was a true smorgasbord with lots of choices. It was all fine, and then we ate the kids cake. It was pretty good as well.
  • Now it is the saddest part of the week-Sunday night! I have school all out for the week and have lots of plans for tomorrow so we shall see what all gets done!

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