September 20, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I had little on my list today, but I was busy the entire day long. This morning I worked on the normal things, and then I pulled out school for the next week. I hate this job, and I love this job all at the same time. 
  • I have become so much more efficient at this plus I love seeing how far we have come and how much more we have to do during the year. I also really love how things look when the school areas have been straightened. However, even though it is easier the older the kids get, it still takes me a good little while to do this.
  • Graham had a bit of math to do today, and Whitman sweet talked me into letting him skip spelling-I'm a softee! We did do spelling every day this summer so a few breaks during the year won't actually kill us.
  • Graham went to work around one which was about the same time that we started our new to us game-Risk. Campbell, Keaton, Anderson, Whitman, and I played and apparently total domination of the world takes a little bit of time-we stopped at the 3 hour mark! Anderson or Whitman would have probably won the game. Campbell and I had already lost when they did quit, and Keaton had a slight chance of winning.
  • After the game, I worked on a few things, and then Robby came in with supper. We had a snack before running to Sams to pick up some chicken. We stopped at Walmart on the way home. Then after a quick bite to eat, we ran over to see Annie for a little bit.
  • Now I'm cuddled up in my chair finishing this blog and about to read my book some-or take a nap-or have some hot chocolate.

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