September 2, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Even though this was a holiday, it felt pretty much like a normal day. I was up at almost the same time to do my morning chores. Then i did take Bentley on a 2 mile walk-at one point she stopped walking, and I had to explain to her the house was the way that she did not want to walk.
  • Since Graham and Anderson both had school work to do for their college classes, I decided that everyone else should have a bit of school work too. It wasn't much at all that they had, and I could easily be convinced that they do a little bit each Friday as well. 
  • Graham had to go to work today-or so the thought. When he showed up, they told him that they had finished the work, so that was a wasted trip. He was bummed about not getting to work, but he was  more happy about not having work at all. 
  • I was able to do some reading this afternoon, but I didn't tackle any large projects-well, I am slowly working on the girls room with them. We are actually doing it so slowly, that I realized that by the time we have finished, we will have to start over. I'm just trying to work for about 15 to 30 minutes up there at a time, and gracious there is quite a bit to do.
  • I made Graham his favorite-chicken breast for supper tonight. I made green beans and rice, and then I remembered that we had macaroni and baked beans in the fridge so I pulled all of that out. It was like Thanksgiving with all of our sides that we had.
  • After supper, Campbell, Keaton, Whitman, Robby, and I went to see the movie Twister with the Wilsons. The lessons that we learned were 1. Don't live in Oklahoma 2. Don't chase storms 3. Have a storm shelter. I am pretty sure that even though the movie was intense it won't bother the kids-but gracious, if there was a storm tonight it would certainly bother me!

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