September 18, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Wednesday's are kind of nice since I don't have to think about making sure that Graham is awake to leave for Comm Central. He usually wakes up on his own, but I still double check which throws my already tight morning schedule off by a few minutes.
  • We zoomed through our pile of books that we are reading. Keaton could care less, but Whitman does remember pretty much everything that we read about-especially if it interests him. 
  • After that, we all started on our morning work. The kids all seemed to be ready to work with me earlier than usual-for example, the other day I was just getting around to working with Anderson at 1, but today it was before noon. That just means that I have probably forgotten something major.
  • This afternoon Keaton and Campbell worked hard on Keaton's balloon arch for her party tomorrow. Keaton has prepped the bonus room, and I have been trying to prep the rest of the house. I'm pretty sure that a bunch of 12 and 13 year old girls will not care about how clean my potties are, but those are the things I have been doing,
  • Campbell and Robby went to eat a late lunch this afternoon before church. They made it back in time for Campbell to drive me to the library on the way to church. I don't know when I will let her drive to church on a Wednesday night at 5:00. I would prefer not to drive to church then so she sure won't be doing anytime soon.
  • After church tonight, Anderson, Graham, and Campbell went to ChickFilA while I ran by there with Keaton and Whitman. We all free nuggets so that was our suppers. I have just had my hot chocolate, and now I'm going to make my plans for tomorrow.

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