September 16, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • It was a rainy Monday morning here which threw me for a loop when I went to walk Bentley. I had stared at the window and thought that it was just wet outside. I got her all ready but did take her out of the garage door so we would have less grass to walk over. 
  • When I got to the edge of the garage, I could hear the rain beating down on the shed so I just brushed Bentley and bit and we came in. This happened to me again this afternoon-I was about to take a walk again, but the rain was so fine that I couldn't see it so I opted not to go. Also, I didn't want to return wet and smelling like a wet dog.
  • Graham actually smelt worse than a wet dog this evening when he returned from a 10 mile run. I'm not sure why he chose to run 10 miles, but he has now had at least 2 suppers tonight which I am sure that he has needed.
  • We did school first thing this morning, but gracious Whitman isn't moving fast at all. He is getting done eventually, and he's doing math and most everything else by himself so I can't really complain at all. 
  • Graham had work this afternoon, and he was supposed to go to Raymar for football pictures along with Anderson who also was to go out there for practice. Those things were both cancelled, so there was a little more time this evening for them.
  • Robby and I ran a few errands this afternoon and evening. We picked up a few items for Keaton's birthday party which is happening Thursday night. Then we picked up some Sonic burgers for some people's supper. 
  • Now, I'm making a school plan for tomorrow since it will be a hectic afternoon, and I hope that I have a little bit of time to read my book tonight.

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