September 14, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Today was the first football game back at Raymar. Campbell and Keaton really enjoy going early with Anderson, and since I needed to be there early as well, though not quite as early as him, we all rode together.
  • This morning was pretty crazy in the concession stand getting everything ready for the day. I think we were struggling since everything was new, and we had to open everything up. Once we had things a bit organized, everything went much smoother. I'm not sure how things went on the football fields-Anderson said he thought everything went well.
  • Keaton and I had a baby shower to go to in the middle of Raymar. We were only gone for about an hour, but we were able to visit some and even had some delicious food before returning.
  • I had scheduled Keaton and Campbell in the concession stand for a good bit, but they enjoy visiting more than actually helping. However, I also had Whitman in there for a few hours, and that boy did so well. He certainly needs practice talking to people so it was good for him.
  • Robby smoked some meat all day so he left Raymar first to go and check on that. When the rest of us left, we had to run to Old Navy and the library on the way home. We were home in plenty of time to watch the football game this afternoon - or snooze through most of the football game.
  • I did get up to help Keaton make chocolate chip cookies. She is a pro, but I did try to help as much as I could. Then Robby's meat was ready so some folks had a sandwich then, and the rest waited for us to run and get gas and pick up more buns.
  • I made it home just a few minutes before Robby did, and for some reason I decided that I needed to run the garbage disposal. Well, you can probably guess-it didn't work. So Robby spent the next 2 or 3 hours on it. He did eventually get it running again, but we noticed a drip. Then we felt my dishtowels underneath-they were wet which meant that the drip had been happening.
  • We watched a few youtube videos and were able to take the disposal off. Apparently, once it was opened we could look for cracks and seal them. Without first cleaning off the layers of gunk, we couldn't see any cracks. Robby eventually just decided to order a new one-a new one exactly like the one that we have so hopefully we can reinstall it fairly easily. We are down to half a kitchen sink now for most of the week, but that should be manageable. 
  • It is now almost bedtime-tomorrow is a busy day with church, Campbell's first soccer game, a Sunday school fellowship for Robby and me, and Rock Creek for the kids. 

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