September 11, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Another day where the hammocks were put to good use. Between Whitman, Keaton, Campbell, and even myself for a few minutes, we all spent some time in the hammocks. I did pull them down before church tonight since we might get some rain. 
  • I'm glad that they are spending a little bit of time outside. I even saw Whitman jumping on the trampoline-he will do anything right now to put off school work, but he does eventually get it done. 
  • They repaved our roads yesterday and today-just with the sticky tar and then the little rocks on it. On my walk this morning, I just walked Bentley where they had not done the work yet because I didn't want her to get her feet sticky. I'm not exactly sure what I will do tomorrow-maybe it will be raining and I can sleep in.
  • School is going so well this year-at least for the little 3. Things are going fine for Anderson and Graham but their college classes are a bit more challenging and time consuming. And I sure hope that school is going well for Reagan. We don't hear from her too often, but some of the kids did call her today while we were at Nonna and Pops' house. 
  • This afternoon I did some work on the girls' room-I think that we have one or two more days to work in there. I am in no hurry to finish this-I could have just worked for a day or two, but instead I have drug it out to being a 3 week task. 
  • Tonight I took everyone but Anderson and we went stopped at Nonna and Pops' house before church. Anderson had to be at church early for a meeting so he beat us there. After church, the big 4 left for Chickfila leaving just Whitman to ride home with me. That was fine though because I was able to get some info from Whitman: Moving up to the youth group is hard for a 6th grade boy-and it sure has been for Whitman!

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