September 1, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Another Sunday morning here. When I went to wake up Campbell and Keaton, they said that we were waking them up later each week. However, when I went to wake them up, they were both completely ready plus we had been hearing them awake and moving around above our heads for a good while so I already knew they were awake.
  • We did the church thing-Graham sat with us this week. Most of the youth that sit down front are Campbell's age or Anderson's age which leaves Graham kind of without too many folks to sit with. Keaton's group all sits upstairs which we aren't really in favor of since we can't see her to see if she is acting a fool-which I am sure that she never does (fingers crossed).
  • After church, we enjoyed lunch at Nonna and Pops' house. They had pork tenderloin which is the kids' absolutely favorite meal. This made all of them happy. We ate and visited some before heading home. 
  • The big boys did their football draft this afternoon, and Whitman also spent time on his device. Campbell, Keaton, and I all had naps-I have trained my girls correctly.
  • The kids all left for Rock Creek tonight while Robby was still gone. Robby also had my phone with him so he could do a mystery shop under my name, so it was super strange being at home without a phone. Graham could not believe that I would not have my phone...even for a little bit.
  • I was able to get some things done around the house but nothing that really mattered-as in I didn't clean or do anything from my list for next week. I even read a little bit of my book this evening. I haven't been able to read as much lately and that kind of makes me sad.
  • We met the kids at the Wilson's house for our Sunday night supper. Shannon had soup on this first day of September. We stayed longer than the kids and visited some, then we came home to start the week.

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