August 8, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • It was a little later morning for the kids today since all of them but Whitman had Serve Day at church. They had to be there at 10, so that was the only thing happening this morning.
  • Anderson and Graham went to one school while Keaton and Campbell went to another school. After they had lunch at Raymar, they then went to serve at the Arkansas Foodbank. Anderson said that they just put sweet potatoes on bags.
  • Robby and I went out to eat lunch, and then did some speed Walmart shopping to buy a few things for Campbell's party tomorrow night. Then I rushed home to take Whitman swimming for a little bit. 
  • He had so much fun that he then went home with a friend and played at their house for a little bit. We picked him up on our way to Costco where Campbell, Whitman, and I went into Costco and Robby went to Kroger. 
  • We finished at Costco, Campbell said we would just walk to Kroger. Whitman was game too so off we went. Campbell led the way, and we were standing at the car when Robby finally came out of the grocery store.
  • We ate our Costco pizza at home, and then Anderson, Keaton, Whitman, and I played a very, very long game of Catan-I won so that did make it a little bit better.
  • We haven't heard much from Reagan today, but they did drive quite a ways to swim and jump off some rocks. Tomorrow they are doing a service project and floating. 

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