August 7, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • We did the school thing this morning, and once again it went crazy well-this makes me worried: I'm I forgetting something? Are the kids just getting sneakier and skipping their work without me knowing? Is it going to be horrible next week?
  • Even with all of the questions, I will count this week as a success; and I will do a happy dance because our first week of school is over. Most of the school kids have Serve Day at church tomorrow so they will not be here. Whitman will be here so he has a few things to do, but not enough to count as a full school day.
  • This afternoon we dropped Campbell off to eat with some friends from church. Anderson was kind enough to pick her up and drive her home when she was finished. And when I say "kind enough" I mean, we told him to and he did. His a good brother and has to cart people around the last two days.
  • Today was a trial run for next week-we dropped Reagan off at Ouachita. This week, we pick her up at least, but next week is for real. She is going on the FOOT campout-I don't know what that stands for, but she is camping until Saturday on Lake Degray. 
  • She was a little bit worried about this since she didn't know if she would know anyone-she didn't. Reagan can make friends so well, so I am not worried at all. When we pulled up, Robby and I didn't know if we were allowed to get out of the car or not-but she was quick to tell us that she wasn't going by herself!
  • We dropped her off and then eventually made it home. Anderson was already gone-he went to a swim party for the new seniors. I scheduled him some college visits at the end of the month so it is all getting real for him too.
  • Before I left today, Whitman and I made banana bread-I had intended to make it this morning, but nothing like waking up to see that we were completely out of eggs after setting out all of the ingredients and things I needed last night so I could get it done before school started this morning. 
  • The kitchen did get a lot of use today because while we were gone, Keaton made her chocolate chip cookies-even with all of that busy-ness: they both still wanted to play a game tonight.
  • We played two rounds of Clue-Whitman won the first game, and I won the second game. Now I plan to read a little bit more before it is finally bedtime.

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