August 5, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Today was our first day of school, and there were no tears so it was a success. I woke up much earlier than usual for me and was able to do those pesky chores of the laundry and dishes. Then I walked Bentley just a mile before running in to make some muffins for the kids' breakfast.
  • My favorite part of the school day is when I get to read to the kids-I started with a room full of kids and now it is just Keaton and Whitman that are around when I read in the mornings. 
  • Everyone did so good today-there were fairly few questions and very little complaints. Overall, it was a super good day-the only problem: we have to do it again tomorrow. (And tomorrow the kid have to leave by 10:40 for something at church so they won't get it all done and will have to finish later.)
  • Now we did have a few hiccups during school-Graham's computer decided that it didn't want to work anymore plus there were a few missing books that I had forgotten to get from the library. 
  • When school was over, everyone worked on their chores for a little bit. This afternoon I ran a few errands with Robby. We then came home for a little bit before we left again for supper out. We also picked up a few pizzas for the kids.
  • Everyone but Whitman went to church tonight for a Bible study. Afterwards, Reagan and Keaton went to play pickleball while the others came home. We delivered our food for them which they ate. 
  • I'm sure that the pickleball girls will be out late tonight, but I have a bit of time now so I am going to huddle down in my chair and read some before bed. 

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