August 4, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Sunday mornings are always a bit chaotic-but this morning everyone seemed to be up at a decent time. Now, every Sunday morning our car ride to church is a little quiet-no one is in a bad mood, but it is early for us to be up so folks aren't too chatty.
  • Campbell and I both had worship care this morning. We had 7 babies before church even started this morning-it was a long hour (really, church is much longer than an hour though). Campbell said that they had a room full as well.
  • I guess this was Robby and my last week with the first graders. I've planned everything for next week, but we have subs since Whitman's class is having a moving up to youth party. Robby went to it last year when Keaton was moving up, but this year we have a subs.
  • We then went to Nonna and Pops' house for our Sunday lunch. They had Mexican which I do believe that everyone gobbled up. I was starving, and it was all good to me. Today was actually chocolate chip cookie day, and Nonna had them for dessert.
  • We borrowed a juicer that Nonna had for Whitman's recipe this week. I had bought him almost a dozen lemons earlier, and we were just waiting on the juicer. Kind of find watching him use his great grandmothers juicer to make lemonade. He did a good job and followed the recipe, but I think that it is super sour and needs lots more sugar. Right now, it is so sour that it will take the enamel off of your teeth.
  • Reagan went to her life group tonight while all the others but Keaton and Whitman went to Rock Creek. Keaton just skipped out and Whitman is going to try going next time since he will be old enough-having Reagan already heading to college seems less shocking to me than having Whitman be old enough to be in the youth group. That is just wild to me. 
  • For our Sunday night supper, we pulled out our leftovers from Friday night-chicken alfredo and lasagna plus some fried ravioli. It was all still good, and the little cakes were also still good. I had not had a chocolate one yet. 
  • Reagan isn't home yet, but I am sending the rest of this crew to bed-we start school tomorrow so I can now officially say that I start my 14th year of homeschooling and we have a 12th, 11th, 9th, 7th, and 6th grader this year. 

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