August 29, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Thursdays are always the best days of the week-last year though the kids had less school on Thursdays when they worked hard and finished extra during the week. This year, that hasn't really happened yet, but Thursdays are still a good day....even if I was still finishing school at 2:30 this afternoon. 
  • The days are long right now trying to make sure I help everyone-plus Whitman's school is taking long (which is should since it is harder) so by the time I give him a short break and then do spelling, it is pretty late in the afternoon.
  • Graham had his class this morning, and Anderson had his this morning. They both marked some things off of their college classes list so that was good. This afternoon everyone played Ticket To Ride.
  • I am not really sure what has happened since Reagan has left, but we are playing at least 4 games a week now. Reagan didn't play games so I am not sure what the difference has been, but it has been a fun little surprise becoming a gaming family.
  • Tonight Campbell had her first soccer practice. It is a different team, different field, and a different league so everything is new. I certainly admire her bravery playing on a new team-I'm sure that is not easy at all. I know that she certainly enjoys soccer though.
  • I had supper with some friends tonight so that was fun getting to catch up with everyone. When I left there, I met up with Robby at the Wilson's house for a little bit. We visited for a while, and then headed home-tomorrow is an early morning.

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