August 27, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Graham went to school early this morning-Robby drove him so he could get gas in the car while Graham was in class. And once again Graham knew what was happening in class. Anderson had class much later in the day, and he worked on a few things for his class. He gets his stuff done, but on his own time which might make me a bit crazy!
  • When Graham did come home from his class, he went to work on his school-since he worked all day Thursday and Friday he was a bit behind, but he is catching up ever so slowly.
  • This afternoon I took Campbell to go and try on her soccer uniform. We eventually ordered it, but the last few days, Campbell has been getting ready for soccer every day lately. She goes outside and does all kinds of drills-I think that she is looking forward to starting soccer again.
  • The next stop was a hair cut for Whitman. The lady offered to put a stripe in his hair-she came to ask me, so I just asked him. He quickly said no, but now all I can think about is "what would a stripe in his hair really look like?" His hair cut (without a stripe) does look really nice though.
  • While Whitman and I were getting his hair cut, Campbell and Keaton made their way to Old Navy and did some window shopping. Campbell is in the market for new jeans and possibly found some there. 
  • We caught up with them when they had already moved to the next store. We then headed home where I took my second walk of the day-Graham was outside running at the time. It is one thing for me to take my stroll in the middle of the day when it is crazy hot: I walk slow for just a mile and stay in the shade. Graham runs 3 miles and comes in drenched in sweat-I sometimes track him to make sure that he hasn't passed out somewhere on the street.
  • This evening we saw Reagan and some of her college buddies. They were passing through town on a very quick trip to do some shopping for something this weekend. And when I say a quick trip, then I mean a very quick trip. I think they had about 20 minutes to shop when they got to the store that they were going to.
  • Campbell, Keaton, Robby and I went to grab a quick bite to eat. Then at home, I played two rounds of Clue with everyone. Actually, Whitman did sit out and didn't play with us. Usually before bed at some point, these people get very rowdy-chase, soccer, and lots of yelling. That just happened, and  now it is quite again for a few minutes. 

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