August 25, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Church morning for us-we left around 8:50 and had plenty of choices on our seats. Whitman even chose to sit with his brothers this morning. He sat right by Graham during big church-my baby is growing up. 
  • Reagan tried out a new church in Arkadelphia this morning and went to eat Mexican afterwards. The rest of us went to Grannymom's to eat and celebrate Cash's birthday after church. We ate, sang, and visited. 
  • Afterwards, Robby and I ran some errands while the others went home. I didn't think that we would be home before they left, but we were actually home in plenty of time to get an afternoon nap. 
  • When the kids all left for church tonight, I went through Whitman's clothes. I found him a few new duds in the attic plus I cleaned out quite a bit. He is like me and prefers to wear the same thing over and over. When you have found something that you love, why wear something else.
  • They all had fun tonight at the U. Whitman even rode the mechanical bull a few times. When it was over, they came home and some of them had a second supper here We had made hamburgers with all of the fixings for the Wilsons. They stayed a visited for a good while.
  • When they did leave, Robby cleaned the kitchen while I finished this blog. Then we put the kids in bed-though we know that no one will be sleeping for a good bit.

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