August 24, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Robby and I were awake first, but we were not the first to leave the house. Anderson went to help a friend move today; and he was gone almost all day just making it home right near 5. He put in a day's hard work, but quite a few buddies were there so that the work more fun.
  • Robby and I left next for a few mystery shops. That was so long ago in the day that I really can't remember where all we did go. Oh, we did go to ChickFilA and picked up everyone's free chicken biscuit. This included having Anderson order his and even Reagan order hers since today was the last day. (She was at her retreat and wouldn't have been able to get hers biscuit, so I'm sure she didn't mind ordering it for her brothers.)
  • We came back home for a little bit, and then left again with Campbell and Keaton. This time we stopped at Costco where Robby found him some blue jeans. We then ended up on the other side of town trying to do a mystery shop for a store that had moved, but it worked out well because we ended up with some wings to eat when we got home. 
  • Robby and I were then home for a little bit longer before we left again. This time it was just a trip to Kroger. We picked up a few things that we needed and a few things that we didn't need before coming home for supper. 
  • The evening has been pretty slow around here: I just finished my ice cream, the boys are playing xbox, and the girls are watching tv-maybe I will try to read my book a little bit as well. 

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