August 23, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Since Reagan has been at school, we have become a game playing family. I am not really sure how this has happened, nor am I sure that I'm crazy about our new hobby. However, at least once a day almost every day we have played a game. Tonight the game was Code Names (Whitman and Keaton beat Anderson and me) and last night the game was Rumikub.
  • We didn't have school today, but it was still a fairly busy day. Graham had work again this morning and even stayed until 3:30. When he came home from work he ran for 6 miles-I'm not sure why since it was still pretty hot outside. 
  • Keaton and Campbell opted not to go to the store with Robby and me this morning, and then they moped around the house all afternoon and evening saying that they were bored. Robby did plug up a tv in their room-that is what they had been looking forward to getting when Reagan left. 
  • We have plenty of tvs to spare around this house, but we did move their book case to the other side of the room which meant we also had to switch the mirrors. It all worked our well and will look really nice when I replace their bookcase-it has seen better days and leans slightly.
  • Anderson had a work supper for football tonight. They talked about work, but more importantly he got to eat at David's Burgers. 
  • Whitman is loving all of the games that we have been playing-he is definitely a gamer-he enjoys all games-on devices and board games. While we played our evening game, Campbell made cookies and then Graham came down to eat them!

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