August 2, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • After my walk this morning, I iced a few bundt cakes-icing them was much easier than baking them so I was in a much better mood this morning that I was yesterday while working on those cakes. Of course I did realize that I am a fairly messy baker especially when using a few bags of powdered sugar. 
  • I then jumped in the shower before working with Whitman. He is always fun to work with because you never know exactly what his comments will be-we have been reading a passage of a book each day, and he always has something to comment on. This week, I think it is cute and interesting, but next week there will be no time for that-we will have a lot school.
  • Campbell told me today that it makes her furious in the mornings when I cheerfully walk into their room to wake them up. This morning, when I so happily went into their room, it was after 12! But yes, next morning I will be pretty cheery trying to wake them up, and it just doesn't go over well with her at all.
  • Reagan had spent the night at a friend's house, and when she came home she turned right around and went to TJ Maxx with Keaton for a few more dorm things. I know that she found a lamp and possibly even a fan. 
  • I left next with Campbell for her doctor's appointment. Bless her-an eye check up yesterday and a doctor's appointment today. She was none to thrilled, but she did find that she had some free ice cream at Freddies so we picked that up on the way home, and that helped!
  • The boys left next for Rock Creek tonight-they had hot dogs and must have spent quite a bit of time outside because they both came home with super sweaty tshirts. 
  • Meanwhile, Reagan had around 14 friends over tonight to watch her summer vlog that she put together. Robby and I made some toasted ravioli, lasagna, chicken alfredo, salad, bread and cake for the meals so we had lots of food. I had been a bit concerned that I wouldn't have enough food, but there is enough for our Sunday night meal if I can keep the boys out of the lasagna this weekend.
  • The kids are all upstairs watching Reagan's movie right now-Whitman isn't watching it because she has already made him watch it 3 times he said. Robby and I will have to have a screening later since we haven't seen it, but right now we are in the quiet living room watching the Olympics. 

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