August 18, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This was the first Sunday without Reagan with us plus this was Whitman's first Sunday in the youth. When we came into the sanctuary, he marched up and sat in between his brothers. I was quite surprised about this, but after a few minutes, he came back to sit with us. I think he was trying to antagonize his brothers a bit by sitting with them.
  • After church was over, I was a bit worried that he wouldn't be able to find where he was supposed to go, so I had offered to let a brother walk with him. He didn't need that though and took off up the stairs. 
  • In the youth opening this morning, they gave away door prizes. Four out of 5 Dennies won something-Whitman was the only one who didn't win anything.  I think that the prizes that they brought home were an energy drink, a box of gummies, some beef jerky, and a card game. Graham grabbed the card game at the last when Anderson's name was called (he wasn't even in the room because his senior class meets earlier). Anyway, this card game was the exact same card game that Whitman made me put on his Christmas list last night. Whitman was so happy-and that is now tomorrow's game.
  • We had lunch at Nonna and Pops' house-she had made spaghetti and meatballs. We stayed and visited for a little bit, but then we came home so I could have my Sunday nap. Even with going to an adult Sunday school class after quite a few years of teaching, I still felt like I needed a nap. 
  • And I did have a nap-until it was time for the kids to leave for the U. Whitman was also able to go this tonight. I think that he had a good time-he needs to find his people and his place for sure. While they were all gone, I should have been more productive around the house, but Robby and I watched Reagan's summer vlog. It was all so was pretty fun to watch...and long!
  • We all then met up at the Wilson's house for supper. It is nice not having to feed anyone on Sundays. We stayed over there for a bit-the kids made it home just before the storm, and we went home about the time that the rain ended. 
  • The boys are all upstairs playing a video game-Whitman is yelling just as much as Anderson and Graham-I feel that a gaming system is in his future!

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