August 15, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • One more school day down, but today's school day included Graham's first solo drive. Yikes! I will admit that I did track him all the way there and all the way home. I had written the wrong time down on my phone calendar, so Robby didn't even know that Graham had left-he wasn't able to stress about Graham driving by himself with me.
  • We did our morning reading, and then everyone did their work. You would think that on Thursday, I would be finished a little bit earlier, but today was even later than yesterday. That was fine though because I honestly do enjoy our school days when they go smoothly.
  • After school was over, I finished my part of packing for school-which really means, I just made sure that all of the boxes were moved from the bonus room to downstairs. Of course when the boxes were all stacked up, it really does look like alot. 
  • I know that we will not have as much as some people, but we really do have a lot of stuff. Reagan is not a big packer-she only brought like 20 things on hangers-so I am not really sure what is in all of these boxes. Now I will say they are strategically packed-like if it goes under the sink, it is in one box; if it goes in the closet it is in another box. Hopefully that will make things easier tomorrow.
  • Reagan left with her friends to go out and eat this afternoon. Then a few of them came back to the house plus more came-all I know is that I made 10 grilled cheese sandwiches for her people and the people here (Campbell and Keaton were not here) and later they had me find scissors so someone could get a hair cut.
  • Campbell is at a friend's house for a last hurrah before school starts. Keaton went out to eat with Robby so they came home with a lot of leftovers! 

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