August 12, 2024-Quick Trip to Branson

(click for today's pictures)

It was another good day in Branson; so good that we even came home early. We had perfect weather, did everything we wanted to do, and even went shopping.

We woke up early since the park opened at 8:30 for passholders. We were there before 8:30, but they let us in, so we walked right to Time Traveler. We had to wait for a minute, but soon they opened the ride. We all rode that once-I'm not a fan but can manage most things if I just keep my eyes closed and hold on real tight. 

Some folks rode it again, and then we moved on to Powder Keg and Outlaw Run. We couldn't get anyone to do the Barn Swing, but Keaton, Graham, and Whitman did do the thing that you pull yourself up with your arms. 

I get a little bit fuzzy on what happened next, but we managed also ride the Flooded Mine along with all of the water rides-now, I didn't ride any of the water rides, but Reagan, Campbell, Whitman, and Graham rode them. Whitman and Graham rode all of the water rides and were soaking wet when we all did make it home. 

When you count the cinnamon bread, potato twist thing, and funnel cake that we all enjoyed at the park plus all of the rides and even walking on the swinging bridge and Grandfather's Mansion, you can say that we did it all at Silver Dollar City today. 

I do guess that after being at Disney World on so many trips and for so many days last year, we have figured out how to do a park rather quickly. I think that the kids are getting a bit tired of Silver Dollar City-they like the rides, but we have done them all quite a few times. We all still enjoy it, but it doesn't just hold the same appeal for them as it once did. Don't get my wrong: we still plan to go back to see the pumpkins and the Christmas lights in a few months.

After the park, everyone who needed dry clothes changed, and then everyone but Anderson and Whitman went to the Outlet with us. We didn't find too many things-Reagan did find a pair of tennis shoes which she badly needed. Robby almost found him some, but they were mismarked, so he ended up waiting until another time.

Once we were back at the camper, Robby started working on the outside, and I started working on the inside. Reagan walked Bentley while everyone else played ball or walked to the playground. Campbell and Reagan were the only ones in the camper when we pulled out of our spot. We had to pick everyone else up on the way out of the campground.

Our ride home went perfectly smooth. We stopped only once so Robby could tighten the car straps. It was a perfect time too since Keaton was getting a little bit car sick. She was able to walk around with Bentley while Robby quickly tightened his straps. Then we were back on the road.

It didn't take anytime at all to get home-well, it really did, but it took the normal time. The boys had thought about going to the station for a little bit even though they would have been super late, and Reagan thought about going to the mall for a minute. They all decided to stay in since they thought no one would be at the station and the mall would close too soon. That all worked out well for me because everyone was around to help us empty the camper. 

That didn't take long at all. The kids ate and some showered this evening. Robby and I ran an errand, and then I came home to work on the blog and help Graham log into his college classes. 

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