August 10, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Robby and I were up fairly early this morning because we knew we had quite a few things to do-we worked hard this morning, but then this evening, we have just taken the "it will all get done" approach and relaxed a little.
  • We first ran to the library and then to Nonna's house to pick up a dress for Keaton. Afterwards, we came back home for just a few minutes before leaving again. This time we headed to Arkadelphia to pick up Reagan.
  • We knew that we were leaving early, but we had a few mystery shops on the way plus we thought they might get back a little bit early. They did-just by 30 minutes so we were already there. Reagan had a good time: lots of good food: bagels, pancakes, bbq, mexican, foil campfire packets; lots of activities: a service project, jumping off rocks, swimming, and tubing the Caddo; she met some people-some professors and staff were there talking to them. Overall, I think that she had a great time; and she wanted ChickFilA to eat on the way home.
  • We came home and some of the kids had already packed for tomorrow-and some have not yet packed for tomorrow. It didn't take long to do Reagan's laundry and other than that we haven't done anything else tonight.
  • Oh, I did take Keaton to a friend's house for a birthday party. They went to an escape room which Keaton has never done. She sent a picture so I think that by the picture they did make it out of the room. 

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