August 31, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Robby and I slept pretty late this morning-at least late for us. Bentley was standing right beside me and breathing in my face around 6:30. I got up and went to the bathroom, and she followed me and curled up in our closet.
  • Campbell was awake when we left, and we could hear Graham playing on his xbox, but not much was happening at the house. Robby and I left and did a few mystery shops. We ran here and there, but the best thing we did was stop and get ourselves cinnamon rolls. I thought they were good, but they sure were incredibly sweet.
  • We eventually came home for a few minutes. We dropped off what little we had bought and picked up Campbell. Then we had a few more mystery shops, and we also picked up Keaton. She had spent the night with a friend. 
  • Once we finished all of our errands, we picked up supper and headed home. They boys all came down to eat. It wasn't much longer until the big boys had to come down and help move the mower.
  • Robby was mowing the neighbors yard and one of his belts broke. This has happened before but it means that we have to push the mower back to the garage. This time he used the suburban to do some pulling too-I ended up driving most of the way with Robby and the big boys working on steering and pushing.
  • Now people are showering, and it is already pretty quiet around the house. I'm trying to decide if we do some extra school on Monday or just holiday all day long!

August 30, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • It was an early morning for Robby, Anderson, Graham, and me. We headed off to Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia for a college tour. We have another college tour next week since it is time for Anderson to start thinking about what exactly he wants to do next year.
  • The drive down there was not too bed-we took the new little car, and the seat heater is wonderful. It is actually a little too strong, but I still kept it on for most of the ride. 
  • The tour was good-it really does seem like most colleges are pretty much the same, as in they tout the same things: class sizes, writing center, food places. The girl that took us on the tour drove us around on a golf cart-I briefly thought that we were going to die, but we made it.  One interesting thing-we toured a dorm room, actually 2, but one of the rooms was 2 and a half times larger than Reagan's room. 
  • We stopped at Subway in Arkadelphia on the way home. Reagan was at work, so we didn't run by to see her. We teased the boys that we were going to stop and get a sit down with the business dean at OBU and Henderson on the way out of town.
  • We made it home, and I soon took Keaton to a friend's house. She is at the Salt Bowl this evening, and I know that she is having fun. Campbell wanted to go as well, but she couldn't find anyone to go with.
  • We all found some supper at home, and then Robby and I settled into our spots on the couch. We feel like today is Saturday so we have a bonus day today!

August 29, 2024

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  • Thursdays are always the best days of the week-last year though the kids had less school on Thursdays when they worked hard and finished extra during the week. This year, that hasn't really happened yet, but Thursdays are still a good day....even if I was still finishing school at 2:30 this afternoon. 
  • The days are long right now trying to make sure I help everyone-plus Whitman's school is taking long (which is should since it is harder) so by the time I give him a short break and then do spelling, it is pretty late in the afternoon.
  • Graham had his class this morning, and Anderson had his this morning. They both marked some things off of their college classes list so that was good. This afternoon everyone played Ticket To Ride.
  • I am not really sure what has happened since Reagan has left, but we are playing at least 4 games a week now. Reagan didn't play games so I am not sure what the difference has been, but it has been a fun little surprise becoming a gaming family.
  • Tonight Campbell had her first soccer practice. It is a different team, different field, and a different league so everything is new. I certainly admire her bravery playing on a new team-I'm sure that is not easy at all. I know that she certainly enjoys soccer though.
  • I had supper with some friends tonight so that was fun getting to catch up with everyone. When I left there, I met up with Robby at the Wilson's house for a little bit. We visited for a while, and then headed home-tomorrow is an early morning.

August 28, 2024

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  • Another school morning and thankfully this morning my dishes were done and my laundry was dry. There are a decent number of mornings where I didn't do one of the other during bedtime or in the middle of the night. When those things are ready for me early, it does start my day off on the right foot.
  • By the time that I wake up the kids in the morning, I feel like I have been up forever. My morning chores are done plus I have walked Bentley for a mile. I would love to walk more in the mornings, but unfortunately, I don't wake up that early. I didn't even go on my second walk today-it was just so hot this afternoon.
  • We have gotten into a pretty good routine for school, and I do have a bit less free time in the mornings. When I am not working with anyone, it really isn't a good thing because I know that in just a few minutes everyone will need my help at once. 
  • Keaton has been doing all of her work upstairs lately so I don't see her until she is ready for me to check everything. Campbell has moved from her desk in the living room to the school room where Anderson and Graham do their work at their desks. Whitman is usually in the school room, but he has started taking his stuff to the bonus room to do some things there.
  • Graham went to work this afternoon. And really the only other thing that happened this afternoon was Reagan writing to say that she received the pillow of Bentley that we mailed to her. The girls and I are slowly working on cleaning their room and closet-though I have realized that by the time that we finish cleaning it all, it will be time to start over!
  • Tonight was the first Wednesday night-the kids love Wednesday nights. I went early so I could go to the library plus I knew that Campbell and Keaton would want to get there as early as they could. I am just at the front desk on Wednesday nights and I love it because I can see all of the people. 
  • Anderson and Campbell went out to ChickFila on their way home to spend some more time with friends before heading home. 

August 27, 2024

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  • Graham went to school early this morning-Robby drove him so he could get gas in the car while Graham was in class. And once again Graham knew what was happening in class. Anderson had class much later in the day, and he worked on a few things for his class. He gets his stuff done, but on his own time which might make me a bit crazy!
  • When Graham did come home from his class, he went to work on his school-since he worked all day Thursday and Friday he was a bit behind, but he is catching up ever so slowly.
  • This afternoon I took Campbell to go and try on her soccer uniform. We eventually ordered it, but the last few days, Campbell has been getting ready for soccer every day lately. She goes outside and does all kinds of drills-I think that she is looking forward to starting soccer again.
  • The next stop was a hair cut for Whitman. The lady offered to put a stripe in his hair-she came to ask me, so I just asked him. He quickly said no, but now all I can think about is "what would a stripe in his hair really look like?" His hair cut (without a stripe) does look really nice though.
  • While Whitman and I were getting his hair cut, Campbell and Keaton made their way to Old Navy and did some window shopping. Campbell is in the market for new jeans and possibly found some there. 
  • We caught up with them when they had already moved to the next store. We then headed home where I took my second walk of the day-Graham was outside running at the time. It is one thing for me to take my stroll in the middle of the day when it is crazy hot: I walk slow for just a mile and stay in the shade. Graham runs 3 miles and comes in drenched in sweat-I sometimes track him to make sure that he hasn't passed out somewhere on the street.
  • This evening we saw Reagan and some of her college buddies. They were passing through town on a very quick trip to do some shopping for something this weekend. And when I say a quick trip, then I mean a very quick trip. I think they had about 20 minutes to shop when they got to the store that they were going to.
  • Campbell, Keaton, Robby and I went to grab a quick bite to eat. Then at home, I played two rounds of Clue with everyone. Actually, Whitman did sit out and didn't play with us. Usually before bed at some point, these people get very rowdy-chase, soccer, and lots of yelling. That just happened, and  now it is quite again for a few minutes. 

August 26, 2024

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  • It was another full day around here-so full that we used all 4 cars at different times. We began the morning with school work for everyone. The big boys have started their college classes-Graham figured out math easily today while Anderson went through a lot of art. However, that leaves art for Graham to still figure out, and Anderson needs to start to work on English-but overall, I think that their concurrent classes will be okay.
  • Graham went to work this afternoon and was there until 4:30. Robby had left earlier in the morning so that was 2 cars gone. Keaton had a doctor's appointment this afternoon for a check up so I opted for the big white van.
  • And Keaton-she isn't good with doctors and especially shots. She remembers that twice when she went to the Nutrition Center, and they took her blood she almost passed out. We had to wait a while today, and she was getting herself worked up, but she managed just fine with 3 shots and a finger prick. 
  • We came home just in time for Anderson to leave-but the white van wasn't an option for him to drive. He took Reagan's car to Raymar to work for a few hours during the first football practice. This was the first time that not Robby or I have driven the new car. He did fine, but I did track him driving tonight. I don't track him much anymore, but I still track Graham.
  • Speaking of tracking-we are just having a big time tracking Reagan. She is here and there and all over that Ouachita campus. Tonight she signed up to do Tiger Tunes. She wanted to do it for Campus Ministries but ended up getting Student Life-she said that her friends were in student life so that was good though.
  • When Robby came home, we cooked 3 pounds of sausage and 3 dozen eggs for breakfast burritos. Then he made pancakes and eggs in the hole for our supper tonight. When Anderson came in and showered, he played Code Names with Keaton, Whitman, and I.
  • Now it is fairly quite in the house, and I really wanted to read 100 pages of my book tonight. I am at 10-ha! Oh, well, I will try to read some in just a little bit.

August 25, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Church morning for us-we left around 8:50 and had plenty of choices on our seats. Whitman even chose to sit with his brothers this morning. He sat right by Graham during big church-my baby is growing up. 
  • Reagan tried out a new church in Arkadelphia this morning and went to eat Mexican afterwards. The rest of us went to Grannymom's to eat and celebrate Cash's birthday after church. We ate, sang, and visited. 
  • Afterwards, Robby and I ran some errands while the others went home. I didn't think that we would be home before they left, but we were actually home in plenty of time to get an afternoon nap. 
  • When the kids all left for church tonight, I went through Whitman's clothes. I found him a few new duds in the attic plus I cleaned out quite a bit. He is like me and prefers to wear the same thing over and over. When you have found something that you love, why wear something else.
  • They all had fun tonight at the U. Whitman even rode the mechanical bull a few times. When it was over, they came home and some of them had a second supper here We had made hamburgers with all of the fixings for the Wilsons. They stayed a visited for a good while.
  • When they did leave, Robby cleaned the kitchen while I finished this blog. Then we put the kids in bed-though we know that no one will be sleeping for a good bit.

August 24, 2024

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  • Robby and I were awake first, but we were not the first to leave the house. Anderson went to help a friend move today; and he was gone almost all day just making it home right near 5. He put in a day's hard work, but quite a few buddies were there so that the work more fun.
  • Robby and I left next for a few mystery shops. That was so long ago in the day that I really can't remember where all we did go. Oh, we did go to ChickFilA and picked up everyone's free chicken biscuit. This included having Anderson order his and even Reagan order hers since today was the last day. (She was at her retreat and wouldn't have been able to get hers biscuit, so I'm sure she didn't mind ordering it for her brothers.)
  • We came back home for a little bit, and then left again with Campbell and Keaton. This time we stopped at Costco where Robby found him some blue jeans. We then ended up on the other side of town trying to do a mystery shop for a store that had moved, but it worked out well because we ended up with some wings to eat when we got home. 
  • Robby and I were then home for a little bit longer before we left again. This time it was just a trip to Kroger. We picked up a few things that we needed and a few things that we didn't need before coming home for supper. 
  • The evening has been pretty slow around here: I just finished my ice cream, the boys are playing xbox, and the girls are watching tv-maybe I will try to read my book a little bit as well. 

August 23, 2024

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  • Since Reagan has been at school, we have become a game playing family. I am not really sure how this has happened, nor am I sure that I'm crazy about our new hobby. However, at least once a day almost every day we have played a game. Tonight the game was Code Names (Whitman and Keaton beat Anderson and me) and last night the game was Rumikub.
  • We didn't have school today, but it was still a fairly busy day. Graham had work again this morning and even stayed until 3:30. When he came home from work he ran for 6 miles-I'm not sure why since it was still pretty hot outside. 
  • Keaton and Campbell opted not to go to the store with Robby and me this morning, and then they moped around the house all afternoon and evening saying that they were bored. Robby did plug up a tv in their room-that is what they had been looking forward to getting when Reagan left. 
  • We have plenty of tvs to spare around this house, but we did move their book case to the other side of the room which meant we also had to switch the mirrors. It all worked our well and will look really nice when I replace their bookcase-it has seen better days and leans slightly.
  • Anderson had a work supper for football tonight. They talked about work, but more importantly he got to eat at David's Burgers. 
  • Whitman is loving all of the games that we have been playing-he is definitely a gamer-he enjoys all games-on devices and board games. While we played our evening game, Campbell made cookies and then Graham came down to eat them!

August 22, 2024

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  • Today ended our third full week of school today so that makes me happy for sure. Campbell did say that her Bryant friends only have 80 or 90 days left in the semester. I thought about counting how many days we had left, but that sounded like a lot of work.
  • Graham had his class at Comm Central early this morning, and when he came home, he was only home for about 10 minutes before he left for a full day of work. He didn't make it home until 5:30. Anderson's Comm Central isn't until 1:30 so he was able to do all of his work before even thinking about going to school.
  • Whitman was finished with his school fairly early, and he even convinced me to play his new card game. He wanted to play it with just me so he could read all of the cards. There seem to be 100s of cards, and they all say different things so he wanted to be able to figure a few more of the cards.
  • This was the first afternoon in a good while that I was finished with everything in time to read-I even sat outside since it was so nice today....or maybe I was hiding. The tv was actually on so I did go outside where it was quieter.
  • Robby had been out some errands and brought home supper for everyone. We all pretty much devoured it, and since it was pizza everything that was left will be gobbled own tomorrow for lunch.
  • Keaton just came downstairs and said that Campbell was already going to bed. It is a little bit early-maybe I worked those girls a little too hard this afternoon working on cleaning their bedroom. Things had gotten a little bit crazy in their room so we are working on it this week, and their closet next week.

August 21, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • School around here today. Whitman and Keaton still struggle to be awake in the morning when I am reading. I might have to move our reading time to later in the morning which is something I really don't want to do. If I do that, I will be the one who is tired so it might just not get done. I do know that if I had a good breakfast every morning, they would wake on up a little quicker for me.
  • Everyone is getting their school done really well-Whitman used to want to do his math right near me, but the last few days he has done it all by himself and just had me check it.
  • And I have to check everyone's work plus work with everyone for at least 30 minutes every day (except for the big boys). Last year, someone would always want to work with me first, but now everyone wants to finish everything before they start with me. This is good-they are getting things done-but it makes for a long morning and a long afternoon. This morning I didn't have any school things to do for over an hour, and my school days have become longer as well-I don't finish until 1 then I still have spelling to do later with Whitman.
  • Around 2 this afternoon, most of us played Whitman's new card game. I think that it is really fun, and it isn't too long which is a definite win.
  • I did get out and run some errands with Robby and the girls this afternoon. Campbell drove to Nonna's and to the library. She did fine especially since traffic was pretty thick at almost 5 this afternoon.
  • We came home food for everyone's supper, and now everyone is vegging out. 
  • Reagan had her other classes today for the first time. She said that she then went to the library and spent 2 hours there working on her google calendar to she could be all organized this semester.

August 20, 2024

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  • This was a fun little school day plus it was the first day of Reagan's classes-she has been having a big time at Ouachita for the last few days, but the real stuff started today. Thankfully, she did send me plenty of pictures.
  • I know that she had two classes today-one teacher was "very loud, very loud" and the other class will have a lot of reading. Plus she had her work study for a few hours and said that it was going to be an easy job.
  • Graham also had his second day of class-this time her class was at church. He drove there just fine-and I actually didn't track him the entire time today.
  • Anderson was lucky and didn't have to go to his class today since their syllabus hasn't been sent out. I think that he was pretty happy about not having to even think about school for one more day.
  • Around 11, Robby, Campbell, Keaton, and I left to go to Conway. We picked up the new car-this car is for Reagan but Anderson is pushing hard that he be the one to drive it for a good while. We will get it to Reagan once Robby gets the plates and all the things.
  • Campbell and Keaton rode with us because after Conway, I was headed to Platos. Keaton found some birthday items for a grandmother to buy for her. Campbell found a pair of shorts, plus I bought each girl one thing-Keaton got a dress, Campbell found a sweatshirt, and even though Reagan wasn't even with us, she ended up with a rain jacket.
  • Once we came home, I had a little bit of school work to do with Whitman plus I checked Keaton and Graham's school work. I know it isn't much, but I did realize today that Campbell is already 1/10th finished with her language arts. We have been working hard around here which makes me happy.
  • Nonna and Pops came over to see the car this evening, and we even took them on test drive. Then we had our supper-manicotti and homemade rolls. The rolls were pretty good, but I think I have not yet mastered them. As soon as supper was over, I left the house to go and walk with some friends. 
  • While I was gone, Robby played Uno with Whitman and most of the other kids. They even played a couple of games before ending for the night. And now it is bedtime for my crew.

    August 19, 2024

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    • Another Monday school day, and I have no complaints. I did struggle trying to keep Whitman and Keaton awake while I was reading to them this morning. Maybe I will have to move up their bedtime a little bit tonight.
    • After school, I ran a few errands with Robby which made me home late enough that I wasn't able to do all of spelling with Whitman. This thrilled him, but it made me a bit sad-don't tell him though, I will make it up!
    • We haven't heard much from Reagan-she did write late last night that water came through their window during the rain storm. It wasn't enough to get their rug wet, but it was enough that Campus Safety had to come and check on it, and maintenance was going to come early this morning. I haven't heard the report on if they did anything to it today or if it continued to leak during the storms last night.
    • When Robby and I did come home this evening, we all ate and played Whitman's new game. It is a card game and was pretty fun. When it was over, I did some reading and before I knew it, it was time to start work on the blog. 
    • Tomorrow is a busy day-school for Graham at church, school for everyone here, first day of school for Reagan and I think the first day of work for Reagan too, plus a new car, and I even have evening plans. 

    August 18, 2024

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    • This was the first Sunday without Reagan with us plus this was Whitman's first Sunday in the youth. When we came into the sanctuary, he marched up and sat in between his brothers. I was quite surprised about this, but after a few minutes, he came back to sit with us. I think he was trying to antagonize his brothers a bit by sitting with them.
    • After church was over, I was a bit worried that he wouldn't be able to find where he was supposed to go, so I had offered to let a brother walk with him. He didn't need that though and took off up the stairs. 
    • In the youth opening this morning, they gave away door prizes. Four out of 5 Dennies won something-Whitman was the only one who didn't win anything.  I think that the prizes that they brought home were an energy drink, a box of gummies, some beef jerky, and a card game. Graham grabbed the card game at the last when Anderson's name was called (he wasn't even in the room because his senior class meets earlier). Anyway, this card game was the exact same card game that Whitman made me put on his Christmas list last night. Whitman was so happy-and that is now tomorrow's game.
    • We had lunch at Nonna and Pops' house-she had made spaghetti and meatballs. We stayed and visited for a little bit, but then we came home so I could have my Sunday nap. Even with going to an adult Sunday school class after quite a few years of teaching, I still felt like I needed a nap. 
    • And I did have a nap-until it was time for the kids to leave for the U. Whitman was also able to go this tonight. I think that he had a good time-he needs to find his people and his place for sure. While they were all gone, I should have been more productive around the house, but Robby and I watched Reagan's summer vlog. It was all so was pretty fun to watch...and long!
    • We all then met up at the Wilson's house for supper. It is nice not having to feed anyone on Sundays. We stayed over there for a bit-the kids made it home just before the storm, and we went home about the time that the rain ended. 
    • The boys are all upstairs playing a video game-Whitman is yelling just as much as Anderson and Graham-I feel that a gaming system is in his future!

    August 17, 2024

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    •  Let's see, I wrote my blog fairly early last night. After I finished it, I played a round of Clue with Whitman, Anderson, and Keaton. We finished that round and then started another round. 
    • The Wilsons came over to visit for a while, so I paused the game and chatted with the grown ups for a while. Once they had found out all about our day, and we covered all the other important topics, they headed home. 
    • I returned to the second round of Clue, and we finished it. Then Graham decided that he wanted to play so it was well after 11 when our final game of Clue was finished. Anderson was the winner of that game-just by luck.
    • Then I ended up visiting with everyone upstairs as I was telling them good night. They can all get fairly chatty at night so there was lots of talking It was pretty late when I finally did get to sleep. And I didn't seem like that much later when the thunder woke me up-I had no idea what it was I really thought that Campbell and Keaton were making good on their threat to rearrange the beds upstairs even though Reagan had not even been gone for 24 hours.
    • Thankfully, it wasn't them but was just thunder. It woke Bentley up too because she was quick to jump in our bed as well. I woke up pretty early this morning but I sure wasn't jumping out of bed on a Saturday. I was up so early though that even though I had a few people to text, I had to play on my phone until it was late enough in the morning to start writing people.
    • Since Keaton and Campbell were so bored yesterday, I woke them up when Robby and I left on our morning round of errands. Surprisingly, they didn't want to go with us. We had an amazon return, plus lunch out and a coupon for me to spend. We also ran to Grannymom and Grandpa's house for a second. 
    • When we came back, we were home for a little bit when Anderson and Whitman came down with games in their hands. We played 20 questions-all the kids and I played it. That is two days in a row of games around here. I'm not sure if it is because Reagan being gone has already caused a different dynamic to happen or if it is just because they have been a bit bored for the last 2 days. 
    • Soon after the game, we left for the next round of mystery shops. We ate out with Campbell and Keaton. Then Robby dropped us off at Walmart while he did a few shops. Now, this would have been much more fun but none of us could really find what we wanted at Walmart. Campbell was looking for jeans but she didn't find any-nor could I find what I was looking for. Oh, well, maybe we will have better luck another day.
    • We were there for so long while Robby ran his errands, that we pretty much walked through all of the aisles in the store. I thought we would end up buying more than we did after all of that time, bue we only left with some pens, shampoos, and one more thing that I bought ahead for September.
    • Anderson got my Text Road house leftovers, and Graham had our other leftovers which he wasn't too thrilled about, but he ate them anyway.
    • Now people are finishing supper, and Whitman is about to get in the shower. I have plans of reading some, but right now I can barely keep my eyes open even though it is just 8.

    August 16, 2024-Ouachita Move in for Reagan!

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    • This day really could not have gone better-I was a bit apprehensive about the moving in situation, but it all just worked out perfectly. Robby and I woke up about 6:30 this morning. We could hear that Reagan was up above us pretty soon afterwards.
    • Our goal was to leave at 7:30, and we were walking out the door soon afterwards. Reagan did have to give Bentley some quality time before she left-she will really miss Bentley. Robby drove the white van and Reagan and I were in the mini van. 
    • We pulled into McDonalds around 8:35 in Caddo Valley. Robby had to send a work email, and we weren't really sure if we could get in line for the dorms before 9. Before 9 though, we were pulling into the Ouachita campus. 
    • There were people everywhere directing us to where we needed to go. The first stopping point was for them to check if we had registered a car (Reagan didn't want to bring the suburban which we registered just in case, but it looks like there will be a new car here next week for her.)
    • Then the line of cars pretty much stopped-it was then stop and go traffic for a good bit until we made it to the people directing us to what dorm to go to. They put a colored sticky note in our window, and then we drove right on to Francis Crawford West. 
    • Robby and I both pulled in to a parking spot, and people immediately surrounded the car. Within one minute everything was out of my car except one big and kind of heavy box-the girls waited on a boy to carry that. Within 5 minutes, our cars were unloaded, and Robby and I went to park. We had to park behind Jones so we were a good ways away.
    • Meanwhile, Reagan went to the lobby and picked up her key and checked in. Then she went up to the room-she took a video of the room and text me. It was a little overwhelming when you walked into the room-2 desks (probably 5 feet across with 3 drawers on each side), 1 nightstand, 1 chest of drawers probably 4 feet high and 2 1/2 feet wide, and the two beds. The only way that all of the furniture initially fit in the room was with the drawers and nightstand both in the closets. 
    • When Robby and I came upstairs, we found the room. The hallways were pretty wild-everyone's stuff was set outside their room so imagine boxes on both sides plus more people walking through with boxes. It was chaotic. 
    • We started moving furniture around-Reagan thought how to do one side, and Robby thought how to do the other side. When you walk in, Reagan's desk is up against the outside wall to your left. A third of her desk is under the bed which is up against the next wall. Also under her bed is 3 plastic drawers, her rolling cart with food on it, a case of cokes and a case of water. 
    • At the foot of Reagan's bed is the large set of drawers and then Karli's bed is next. Her bed touches the window, and her desk is sticking out kind of in the middle of the room with its back towards Reaagan's bed. Next to Karli's desk is the fridge, microwave, and ice maker. Then you have the sink and on the next wall is the bathroom door. 
    • Karli brought a really nice mirror that is between the bathroom door and their closets. Reagan kept the night stand in her closet, but she has so many drawers that neither one of the girls needed to put anything in the nightstand-plus Reagan has 4 other drawers that are empty. 
    • Once the beds were moved, and we all got over the initial shock of "this is a small space; there is a lot of stuff." We all went to work. Robby started working on the fridge and then move to the desk. Reagan made her desk hutch pretty, and soon we were taking a box and unloading it.
    • The boxes were packed strategically which made for easy unloading. The last box for us to get to was the bedding. It didn't take long, and we were done! I think that we finished with the room around 11:30.
    • We then walked around campus-we picked up some gatorade and talked to the president. We then went to the mailbox so Reagan could try to open it-she got it once so I'd bet she won't be opening it much. Hopefully, she will get to practice in the next few days. Then we picked up one of her books that we had to order from the bookstore. 
    • By now it was crazy hot, and even hotter in the car when we loaded up to go and eat. We ate at our Italian/Mexican restaurant. Reagan had ravioli, and Robby and I split fajitas. There was a Dollar General or something similar that Robby ran into to get one extension cord, and then we went back to the room.
    • It wasn't too long until we headed to Jones for the ceremony-there were a few speakers and they ended up with a prayer. The lady praying started reading the kids names in Reagan's class, and then other people around the room began calling names. It was so neat-every child's name was called out during this prayer. 
    • Finally, we went to the lawn of Cone Bottoms-there were popsicles and lemonade. We visited with some people, and then we said bye to Reagan. She joined her Wow family group (the group that she spend the next few days of orientation with), and we headed to the car. 
    • And yes, there were people balling their eyes out near us. We are just so excited for Reagan that we can't be sad that she is not here. Plus there are a few more Dennie kids around as well. 
    • Robby did have a mystery shop in Arkadelphia so we ran to do that before we headed back home. I listened to my book on the way home, and once at home we unloaded the car. We really used just about everything we brought. There were some plus that we didn't use, a few hangers, two drawers that we had brought just in case, and a bin. 
    • The kids at home had had a pretty slow day. Campbell and Keaton were bored out of their minds-so bored that they even cleaned the desk in their bedroom. The power was even out a little bit here this afternoon so I'm sure that added to their boredom. 
    • We are all home now, and I was just talking to Whitman about church tomorrow-he kept staring at me with a questioning look. I guess he realized that it is not Saturday, but I now feel like I have a bonus day since I have felt like today was Saturday.

    August 15, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • One more school day down, but today's school day included Graham's first solo drive. Yikes! I will admit that I did track him all the way there and all the way home. I had written the wrong time down on my phone calendar, so Robby didn't even know that Graham had left-he wasn't able to stress about Graham driving by himself with me.
    • We did our morning reading, and then everyone did their work. You would think that on Thursday, I would be finished a little bit earlier, but today was even later than yesterday. That was fine though because I honestly do enjoy our school days when they go smoothly.
    • After school was over, I finished my part of packing for school-which really means, I just made sure that all of the boxes were moved from the bonus room to downstairs. Of course when the boxes were all stacked up, it really does look like alot. 
    • I know that we will not have as much as some people, but we really do have a lot of stuff. Reagan is not a big packer-she only brought like 20 things on hangers-so I am not really sure what is in all of these boxes. Now I will say they are strategically packed-like if it goes under the sink, it is in one box; if it goes in the closet it is in another box. Hopefully that will make things easier tomorrow.
    • Reagan left with her friends to go out and eat this afternoon. Then a few of them came back to the house plus more came-all I know is that I made 10 grilled cheese sandwiches for her people and the people here (Campbell and Keaton were not here) and later they had me find scissors so someone could get a hair cut.
    • Campbell is at a friend's house for a last hurrah before school starts. Keaton went out to eat with Robby so they came home with a lot of leftovers! 

    August 14, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • So this school thing this year is really starting to scare me-it has been going so well. That's frightening to me because I keep expecting things to just fall apart. Graham starts his math class tomorrow (he will be driving there solo so say a prayer or four.) So with his two college classes and Anderson's two college classes things will get a little bit more hectic, but maybe it won't be too bad.
    • Everyone was awake at a decent time this morning-even Reagan. They all did their school work quickly-well, except for Whitman. He has convinced me to let him do 3 things from his list and then take a break. Of course, he is like any other 11 year old-he picks 3 quick things which leaves all of his harder things for the end (except math-he knows if you are going to need help with math you have to do it when I can help you.) Because of this routine, he was working until 1 today-but he doesn't mind so I guess it really doesn't matter.
    • After the kids finished school, they did some chores. Around 3, all the kids loaded up and went to play pickleball-I think that they had fun, but it was super hot. They did grab some drinks on the way home so that probably helped increase the fun level.
    • Robby and I ran a few errands-Grannymom's, Walmart, Sams, Kohls, Kroger, Sonic, ChickFilA, and 2 other stops. We did sample a Korean corn dog at one of those places and this is too many details, but even though it was pretty yummy, I won't be having one again unless I need some more quiet time in the bathroom.
    • We brought home supper for everyone and snacks for Reagan's dorm. I'm working on moving all of her things downstairs and hopefully I can fully document this move. I know that we don't have a ton of things, but gracious it is alot. We aren't fancy and are fairly minimal-but wow.
    • Right now it is pretty quiet in the house-Keaton is working on her school work for tomorrow. This is the first time that she has done that this year. 

    August 13, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • This was our bonus day since we were supposed to be on our way home from Branson today. This meant that the kids didn't have to do school which meant that I had most of the morning to work on my things. (Now I did encourage everyone to do some school to make the other days this week easier, but I had no takers on that.)
    • Reagan was the first one awake-I think that all of the packing that she has to do is weighing on her a bit. Now, she hasn't really done any of that packing yet though. There isn't much left to do for college, but there is still a list of things that need to happen by Friday.
    • Today was Nonna's birthday, and she came over with Pops to see all of Reagan's dorm things. Robby picked up a cake and cookies so we had ourselves a celebration. Plus I had picked up some flowers for her down the road this morning.
    • When they left, I tried to do some more work, but I think I just lost most of my motivation. Reagan was the first one to leave-she ran to Old Navy. Then Anderson, Graham, Campbell, and Keaton left to work football evals. Reagan came back home for a bit, and then she headed out to her last senior Bible study and then to the movies.
    • The others came back in and found their suppers while I worked on the blog. Then Robby and I left to go to the Wilson's house for a little bit. Shannon had made homemade ice cream. When Brett came home, Anderson and Graham over for a few minutes to visit.
    • Reagan was home before we made it home, and she was already bargaining with Keaton over what clothes would be taken to school and what clothes Keaton would keep here.

    August 12, 2024-Quick Trip to Branson

    (click for today's pictures)

    It was another good day in Branson; so good that we even came home early. We had perfect weather, did everything we wanted to do, and even went shopping.

    We woke up early since the park opened at 8:30 for passholders. We were there before 8:30, but they let us in, so we walked right to Time Traveler. We had to wait for a minute, but soon they opened the ride. We all rode that once-I'm not a fan but can manage most things if I just keep my eyes closed and hold on real tight. 

    Some folks rode it again, and then we moved on to Powder Keg and Outlaw Run. We couldn't get anyone to do the Barn Swing, but Keaton, Graham, and Whitman did do the thing that you pull yourself up with your arms. 

    I get a little bit fuzzy on what happened next, but we managed also ride the Flooded Mine along with all of the water rides-now, I didn't ride any of the water rides, but Reagan, Campbell, Whitman, and Graham rode them. Whitman and Graham rode all of the water rides and were soaking wet when we all did make it home. 

    When you count the cinnamon bread, potato twist thing, and funnel cake that we all enjoyed at the park plus all of the rides and even walking on the swinging bridge and Grandfather's Mansion, you can say that we did it all at Silver Dollar City today. 

    I do guess that after being at Disney World on so many trips and for so many days last year, we have figured out how to do a park rather quickly. I think that the kids are getting a bit tired of Silver Dollar City-they like the rides, but we have done them all quite a few times. We all still enjoy it, but it doesn't just hold the same appeal for them as it once did. Don't get my wrong: we still plan to go back to see the pumpkins and the Christmas lights in a few months.

    After the park, everyone who needed dry clothes changed, and then everyone but Anderson and Whitman went to the Outlet with us. We didn't find too many things-Reagan did find a pair of tennis shoes which she badly needed. Robby almost found him some, but they were mismarked, so he ended up waiting until another time.

    Once we were back at the camper, Robby started working on the outside, and I started working on the inside. Reagan walked Bentley while everyone else played ball or walked to the playground. Campbell and Reagan were the only ones in the camper when we pulled out of our spot. We had to pick everyone else up on the way out of the campground.

    Our ride home went perfectly smooth. We stopped only once so Robby could tighten the car straps. It was a perfect time too since Keaton was getting a little bit car sick. She was able to walk around with Bentley while Robby quickly tightened his straps. Then we were back on the road.

    It didn't take anytime at all to get home-well, it really did, but it took the normal time. The boys had thought about going to the station for a little bit even though they would have been super late, and Reagan thought about going to the mall for a minute. They all decided to stay in since they thought no one would be at the station and the mall would close too soon. That all worked out well for me because everyone was around to help us empty the camper. 

    That didn't take long at all. The kids ate and some showered this evening. Robby and I ran an errand, and then I came home to work on the blog and help Graham log into his college classes. 

    August 11, 2024-Quick Trip to Branson

    (click for today's pictures)

    Just to get this out of the way first: yes, it is a Dennie trip in the camper and yes, we had a flat. We like to keep things exciting-basically, Robby and I have ulcers, high blood pressure, and some mental health issues because of the wheels on this camper. 

    I'll go back to the beginning of the day in a bit, but as soon as we pulled out of the street, Robby started wondering if something was wrong. The camper seemed vibrate or shake a little bit or at least a little more than usual.  But now, here's the thing: are we just paranoid or was it really shaking?

    We don't know, still don't know. It wasn't bad, but we did stop twice pretty early on in the trip double check and triple check the look of the tires. Tires were all fine, and he even stopped to check the lug nuts just to be on the super safe side. We think (hope, pray) that the tires just need to be balanced or ....there was something else Robby said too, but I have forgotten what that was - maybe an alignment. 

    So we were feeling good about that issue and rolling on down the road. And then that blasted tire monitor thing started beeping. I'm sure Robby feels like spewing some curse words whenever he hears that-I certainly do. We found a spot to pull off the road-kind of-and went to work.

    I had to wake Anderson up to move his feet so I could get the jack, so he came out and helped us. It was on the tow dolly once again. To change that we do have to take the car off which adds a few steps, but we were done in 20 minutes or less. 

    That silly tire looked perfectly new though. When I rolled it back to the car, I tried to find something but couldn't. When we did make it to the campground, Robby aired up the tire and looked some more-it is the valve stem which makes it the second tow dolly tire we have had with a faulty valve stem. Robby even buys the better tires for the dolly too.

    However, at the end the day with a day like today-we can say that it is all still 100% worth it. I mean, we would definitely enjoy camping more if the tires actually worked the entire trip! But the kids were in the best mood today-they have talked, played, and laughed. It has been a good trip already-I could actually go home now and be happy!

    And even before we left town, it was already a good day. Today was our last day of teaching Sunday school (for awhile), plus we weren't even in the class because Whitman had a celebration to go to. The Children's department had a special time for the 5th graders-there was breakfast, a slide show and even a few games. 

    We then had lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house. She pulled out all of the favorite foods-pizza and oreo delight. We then hurried home, so we could start our trip towards Branson. 

    Once we did get here, the kids all played ball and walked Bentley. Then we ran to pick up some supper-Taco Bell for most, a leftover Sonic burger for Whitman, and McDonalds for Anderson. Of course, our fast food wasn't fast, but it was pretty good still.

    The dog has had a few walks and now we are all bedded down for the evening! Tomorrow starts early.

    August 10, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • Robby and I were up fairly early this morning because we knew we had quite a few things to do-we worked hard this morning, but then this evening, we have just taken the "it will all get done" approach and relaxed a little.
    • We first ran to the library and then to Nonna's house to pick up a dress for Keaton. Afterwards, we came back home for just a few minutes before leaving again. This time we headed to Arkadelphia to pick up Reagan.
    • We knew that we were leaving early, but we had a few mystery shops on the way plus we thought they might get back a little bit early. They did-just by 30 minutes so we were already there. Reagan had a good time: lots of good food: bagels, pancakes, bbq, mexican, foil campfire packets; lots of activities: a service project, jumping off rocks, swimming, and tubing the Caddo; she met some people-some professors and staff were there talking to them. Overall, I think that she had a great time; and she wanted ChickFilA to eat on the way home.
    • We came home and some of the kids had already packed for tomorrow-and some have not yet packed for tomorrow. It didn't take long to do Reagan's laundry and other than that we haven't done anything else tonight.
    • Oh, I did take Keaton to a friend's house for a birthday party. They went to an escape room which Keaton has never done. She sent a picture so I think that by the picture they did make it out of the room. 

    August 9, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • I have felt like it is Saturday all day long-I guess that is good because I will get another Saturday tomorrow. I woke up and did my things, and the big boys even woke up early.
    • Robby took them to get their haircuts, out to eat, and to the DMV. Robby and Graham both needed new driver's licenses so that was today's big activity for them.
    • Well, I guess I take that back: when the boys came home with Robby; they turned around and left to play basketball. They were gone until about the time that Campbell's people all showed up.
    • The rest of the afternoon was spent doing a little bit of house work since Campbell had a few people over tonight-there were 16 folks so that made for a full house around here. They were all over the house and all over the yard-the kids even went on a walk down the street: I think that they probably looked like a gang. 
    • Robby made street tacos for the crew-we had all of the fixings too, and when those kids are all lined up to get their food, I was a bit stressed that we were not going to have enough food. Thankfully, there was plenty: enough for the Wilson's to even come and get a bite. The McGuires also came in and visited so it was a fun evening for the kids and for the grown ups.
    • I haven't heard from Reagan today, but I do know that she did some volunteer work at the Red River Baptist Association and then I think that they tubed the Caddo River. Tomorrow we will pick her up and hopefully hear all about her camping trip. 

    August 8, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • It was a little later morning for the kids today since all of them but Whitman had Serve Day at church. They had to be there at 10, so that was the only thing happening this morning.
    • Anderson and Graham went to one school while Keaton and Campbell went to another school. After they had lunch at Raymar, they then went to serve at the Arkansas Foodbank. Anderson said that they just put sweet potatoes on bags.
    • Robby and I went out to eat lunch, and then did some speed Walmart shopping to buy a few things for Campbell's party tomorrow night. Then I rushed home to take Whitman swimming for a little bit. 
    • He had so much fun that he then went home with a friend and played at their house for a little bit. We picked him up on our way to Costco where Campbell, Whitman, and I went into Costco and Robby went to Kroger. 
    • We finished at Costco, Campbell said we would just walk to Kroger. Whitman was game too so off we went. Campbell led the way, and we were standing at the car when Robby finally came out of the grocery store.
    • We ate our Costco pizza at home, and then Anderson, Keaton, Whitman, and I played a very, very long game of Catan-I won so that did make it a little bit better.
    • We haven't heard much from Reagan today, but they did drive quite a ways to swim and jump off some rocks. Tomorrow they are doing a service project and floating. 

    August 7, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • We did the school thing this morning, and once again it went crazy well-this makes me worried: I'm I forgetting something? Are the kids just getting sneakier and skipping their work without me knowing? Is it going to be horrible next week?
    • Even with all of the questions, I will count this week as a success; and I will do a happy dance because our first week of school is over. Most of the school kids have Serve Day at church tomorrow so they will not be here. Whitman will be here so he has a few things to do, but not enough to count as a full school day.
    • This afternoon we dropped Campbell off to eat with some friends from church. Anderson was kind enough to pick her up and drive her home when she was finished. And when I say "kind enough" I mean, we told him to and he did. His a good brother and has to cart people around the last two days.
    • Today was a trial run for next week-we dropped Reagan off at Ouachita. This week, we pick her up at least, but next week is for real. She is going on the FOOT campout-I don't know what that stands for, but she is camping until Saturday on Lake Degray. 
    • She was a little bit worried about this since she didn't know if she would know anyone-she didn't. Reagan can make friends so well, so I am not worried at all. When we pulled up, Robby and I didn't know if we were allowed to get out of the car or not-but she was quick to tell us that she wasn't going by herself!
    • We dropped her off and then eventually made it home. Anderson was already gone-he went to a swim party for the new seniors. I scheduled him some college visits at the end of the month so it is all getting real for him too.
    • Before I left today, Whitman and I made banana bread-I had intended to make it this morning, but nothing like waking up to see that we were completely out of eggs after setting out all of the ingredients and things I needed last night so I could get it done before school started this morning. 
    • The kitchen did get a lot of use today because while we were gone, Keaton made her chocolate chip cookies-even with all of that busy-ness: they both still wanted to play a game tonight.
    • We played two rounds of Clue-Whitman won the first game, and I won the second game. Now I plan to read a little bit more before it is finally bedtime.

    August 6, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • Day 2 of school and again it was a fairly good day-maybe it helped that 4 of the kids left before 11. That, of course, made the day go by smoothly. Actually, it made the start a little crazy with Campbell and Keaton both trying to do as much as they could. 
    • They all went with the youth from church to Main Event for pizza, bowling, games, and laser tag. When they left, Whitman and I had a relaxing rest of the school day. He would do a few things and then take a break. I didn't mind as long as he finished.
    • Reagan didn't go today, and when it was over, Anderson went to Raymar to work for a little bit today. He couldn't take the others home, and Graham really couldn't have taken another car since all that was left was the big van. 
    • I didn't mind picking them up and then dropped Graham off to play basketball. Anderson picked him up when he was done, and they made it home just after the girls left for a self defense class at Rock Creek. 
    • The last few days, we have been having to do some maximum logistical work getting people where they need to be in the right vehicle. It has been an exercise in creativity! Everyone seems to be going different places at different times-I'm sure it will just slow down (kidding, I know it will only get worse.)
    • Reagan came home from self defense and went to play pickleball with her friends. I guess I don't have to worry so much about them since they just had a self defense class. I have done some reading tonight, but now I really want dessert-but there are little dessert options here.

    August 5, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • Today was our first day of school, and there were no tears so it was a success. I woke up much earlier than usual for me and was able to do those pesky chores of the laundry and dishes. Then I walked Bentley just a mile before running in to make some muffins for the kids' breakfast.
    • My favorite part of the school day is when I get to read to the kids-I started with a room full of kids and now it is just Keaton and Whitman that are around when I read in the mornings. 
    • Everyone did so good today-there were fairly few questions and very little complaints. Overall, it was a super good day-the only problem: we have to do it again tomorrow. (And tomorrow the kid have to leave by 10:40 for something at church so they won't get it all done and will have to finish later.)
    • Now we did have a few hiccups during school-Graham's computer decided that it didn't want to work anymore plus there were a few missing books that I had forgotten to get from the library. 
    • When school was over, everyone worked on their chores for a little bit. This afternoon I ran a few errands with Robby. We then came home for a little bit before we left again for supper out. We also picked up a few pizzas for the kids.
    • Everyone but Whitman went to church tonight for a Bible study. Afterwards, Reagan and Keaton went to play pickleball while the others came home. We delivered our food for them which they ate. 
    • I'm sure that the pickleball girls will be out late tonight, but I have a bit of time now so I am going to huddle down in my chair and read some before bed. 

    August 4, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • Sunday mornings are always a bit chaotic-but this morning everyone seemed to be up at a decent time. Now, every Sunday morning our car ride to church is a little quiet-no one is in a bad mood, but it is early for us to be up so folks aren't too chatty.
    • Campbell and I both had worship care this morning. We had 7 babies before church even started this morning-it was a long hour (really, church is much longer than an hour though). Campbell said that they had a room full as well.
    • I guess this was Robby and my last week with the first graders. I've planned everything for next week, but we have subs since Whitman's class is having a moving up to youth party. Robby went to it last year when Keaton was moving up, but this year we have a subs.
    • We then went to Nonna and Pops' house for our Sunday lunch. They had Mexican which I do believe that everyone gobbled up. I was starving, and it was all good to me. Today was actually chocolate chip cookie day, and Nonna had them for dessert.
    • We borrowed a juicer that Nonna had for Whitman's recipe this week. I had bought him almost a dozen lemons earlier, and we were just waiting on the juicer. Kind of find watching him use his great grandmothers juicer to make lemonade. He did a good job and followed the recipe, but I think that it is super sour and needs lots more sugar. Right now, it is so sour that it will take the enamel off of your teeth.
    • Reagan went to her life group tonight while all the others but Keaton and Whitman went to Rock Creek. Keaton just skipped out and Whitman is going to try going next time since he will be old enough-having Reagan already heading to college seems less shocking to me than having Whitman be old enough to be in the youth group. That is just wild to me. 
    • For our Sunday night supper, we pulled out our leftovers from Friday night-chicken alfredo and lasagna plus some fried ravioli. It was all still good, and the little cakes were also still good. I had not had a chocolate one yet. 
    • Reagan isn't home yet, but I am sending the rest of this crew to bed-we start school tomorrow so I can now officially say that I start my 14th year of homeschooling and we have a 12th, 11th, 9th, 7th, and 6th grader this year. 

    August 3, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • Robby and I slept in pretty late this morning-late enough that we didn't have too long before it was time to leave for our morning errands. I was able to empty the dishwasher, but I never got around to the laundry today until almost 5.
    • None of the kids were awake, but we left to go to Kroger and a restaurant for a mystery shop. We would have stayed out and played more, but he couldn't find anything else to do. So we headed home where I read some and napped a tiny bit.
    • Reagan went with her friends to a "piercing party." Thankfully, no one was doing the piercing themselves. They went to a tattoo parlor for this, and I was glad that Reagan didn't come home with any ink-she didn't come home with a new piercing either, she said that she wanted one, but not right before school.
    • Campbell went to Laynie's house to spend the night. She drove there, and Graham drove home. That just isn't easy at all-I came in and asked Robby that if I drove my mom some place now, would she still be a little stressed like I was with my drivers today. And I also have noticed that the more my kids drive, the more they critique my driving. 
    • Reagan returned from her piercing party and left again for a birthday party. Robby and I had already left though because we had a night out-we went to eat at Faded Rose and then watched the musical Come From Away at Robinson. We had listened to the book forever ago, and tonight was so good.
    • Reagan made it home right before us, and even though it is late, we are still making some time for some ice cream!

    August 2, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • After my walk this morning, I iced a few bundt cakes-icing them was much easier than baking them so I was in a much better mood this morning that I was yesterday while working on those cakes. Of course I did realize that I am a fairly messy baker especially when using a few bags of powdered sugar. 
    • I then jumped in the shower before working with Whitman. He is always fun to work with because you never know exactly what his comments will be-we have been reading a passage of a book each day, and he always has something to comment on. This week, I think it is cute and interesting, but next week there will be no time for that-we will have a lot school.
    • Campbell told me today that it makes her furious in the mornings when I cheerfully walk into their room to wake them up. This morning, when I so happily went into their room, it was after 12! But yes, next morning I will be pretty cheery trying to wake them up, and it just doesn't go over well with her at all.
    • Reagan had spent the night at a friend's house, and when she came home she turned right around and went to TJ Maxx with Keaton for a few more dorm things. I know that she found a lamp and possibly even a fan. 
    • I left next with Campbell for her doctor's appointment. Bless her-an eye check up yesterday and a doctor's appointment today. She was none to thrilled, but she did find that she had some free ice cream at Freddies so we picked that up on the way home, and that helped!
    • The boys left next for Rock Creek tonight-they had hot dogs and must have spent quite a bit of time outside because they both came home with super sweaty tshirts. 
    • Meanwhile, Reagan had around 14 friends over tonight to watch her summer vlog that she put together. Robby and I made some toasted ravioli, lasagna, chicken alfredo, salad, bread and cake for the meals so we had lots of food. I had been a bit concerned that I wouldn't have enough food, but there is enough for our Sunday night meal if I can keep the boys out of the lasagna this weekend.
    • The kids are all upstairs watching Reagan's movie right now-Whitman isn't watching it because she has already made him watch it 3 times he said. Robby and I will have to have a screening later since we haven't seen it, but right now we are in the quiet living room watching the Olympics. 

    August 1, 2024

    (click for today's pictures)

    • I tried to get out of bed this morning since my list is fairly long, but that didn't happen. Tomorrow I will do better-I hope at least! I didn't have enough time today to finish everything that I wanted to do.
    • I did the Bentley walk, and then came in and started on the cakes for tomorrow. Reagan is having a few friends over tomorrow night. She doesn't care what we have, but Robby and I are going to have some fun with what we made-home made lasagna, chicken alfredo, and mini bundt cakes. 
    • However, the bundt cakes almost killed me today. I haven't yet iced them, but the first batch stuck to the pan causing me to have to make another tonight after I bought more ingredients. I did finally get the hang of it, gracious, it has not been easy.
    • Keaton spent the night with a friend last night, and she even spent the whole day with her friend. They swam and even made it to Target. 
    • Meanwhile, Campbell wasn't having that much fun today because she had to go to the eye doctor for a check up. Thankfully, her eyes stayed the same. She was actually hoping for new glasses, and I told her I would try to look other places so maybe we can make that happen. (Glasses from the eye doctor were crazy priced last year even with our insurance and her prescription is too complicated for the glasses we see online, so we might check costco or walmart just to see, but I doubt that will happen.)
    • Robby picked up pizza for supper so we ate that, but the big boys were already gone to play pickleball with their friends. Reagan went to the mall with her friend and will spend the night at her house. If you remember last time they all played pickleball, the boys went to Maumelle and Reagan to Benton-tonight they are both switching their locations. 
    • Campbell is making brownies-even though the oven has been on all day with me making the mini bundt cakes. She is also watching Olympics while I am the only other one in the living room.