July 31, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Bentley was still in the bed this morning when I left for my walk. Robby said that she heard the door close and ran into the kitchen. I did come back for her after I had walked most of my walk. She did get a shorter walk, but it was enough for her though-she has still slept all day long.
  • I didn't have anything grand on my list today, but I marked off most things. And just so you know a little secret-this is the 5th week of the month (by my count at least) so my house cleaning chore list is broken into 4 weeks which means that there has been no house cleaning on the list happening this week!
  • We did school today-just a little, but they are getting the hang of things more, and I'm getting more excited about the school year...and more concerned about how I will get it all done.
  • I had a mammogram appointment today at 1:45. Robby said that he would drive me and go and run an errand while I was there. I told him to take his time because even though I usually don't have to wait long, it still takes a while. I walked into the building at 1:40 and was back downstairs by 1:54.  I had brought a book which never got opened, but I then just found a seat in the lobby to wait on Robby.
  • We then picked up a cart of waters and gatorades at Costco and bought groceries at Kroger. Everyone helped unload, and then Campbell drove me to take Keaton to a friend's house to spend the night. 
  • Campbell then made au gratin potatoes for supper along with chicken patties. We ate and then watched some olympics for a little bit. I finished my last book of the month along with some school work, and now I might work on my Christmas list some!

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