July 28, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Reagan only had about 5 minutes to get ready this morning, but thankfully she is ready for college life and was not the last one in the car. When I went to wake up everyone, I thought that she mumbled yes to me when I asked if she had set her alarm. 
  • Keaton had spent the night with a bunch for friends so she didn't sit with us today in big church, but Graham did. I'm not sure all of his friends were there this morning, but I do like it when my people sit with us.
  • Then Sunday school followed by lunch and celebrating Graham and Lilly's birthdays at Grannymom and Grandpa's house. Grannymom had a new yummy recipe for lunch along with a delicious chocolate cake. 
  • When we came home, Robby and I had a short nap because soon Campbell and Keaton went to their Bible study. There wasn't a ton of girls there tonight, but Campbell was able to drive there so that made her happy. 
  • It wasn't too much later that Anderson and Reagan headed to The U at Rock Creek. While they were all gone, I decided that I didn't have many things to do and read some. But after a bit of reading, I decided to work through some of my list so I ran around like crazy marking things off
  • Graham skipped out tonight on The U, but he did go with us when we all met up at the Wilson's house for supper. Shannon had oreo delight which made Robby happy since it is his favorite dessert. Layne's cat is what made most of my kids happy though tonight. I think that everyone held the car except Whitman, who probably didn't even notice the cat, and Anderson, who is allergic. 
  • We stayed for a while visiting before coming home to start the week!

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