July 27, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This was certainly a slow Saturday morning for us. Graham was already out running before Robby and I did get out of bed. We then ran a few errands and picked up some candy for Keaton's sleepover that she went to tonight.
  • We then came home and picked up Graham to take him for his early birthday lunch: Costco for a chicken bake. That wasn't really his birthday lunch, but he has been wanting a chicken bake for a good while. Robby and I tried the turkey sandwich, but it wasn't that good-the turkey had been and still was frozen.
  • Graham had a free Nothing but Bundt cake to coupon for his birthday too so that was our next stop. Since that would have made us sad to watch him eat is little cake in front of us, we just bought one to share. Robby and I had a snickerdoodle cake, and man, if I could make cakes like them then I would be one rich woman...probably fat too.
  • Anderson went to a friend's house to help them move. He worked hard enough that he came home for a few minutes to take a shower, and then left again to go and watch a movie with his friends. 
  • Robby and I came home for a little bit too, but we left again to take Keaton to a birthday party. Then we came home for a bit again before picking up the Wilsons and heading to American Pie pizza.
  • Tonight was trivia night, and it was a lot of fun. Now, we didn't win, but we were not last and really, that is all that matters. The food was good and the fun was ever better.
  • After pizza-and I had dried cranberry pizza and absolutely loved it, and who knew that was a pizza topping choice. I sure didn't. When we finished the trivia, we headed back to the Wilson's house for a few minutes to chat some more.
  • Reagan ended up going to fish on Lake Ouachita with a few friends this evening. I don't think that she was expecting to leave the house, but I bet she had fun. She is still on her way back, but and I still have about 100 pages in my book to read tonight so maybe I will finish it (I won't!)

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