July 26, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Last night the boys went to play pickleball with Reagan-in their khakis and polos. Anderson said that he felt more like a Jehovah's witness in his dressy clothes. When they came home, I knew I would need to wash their pants before tonight, but I had already started the laundry.
  • I just told them to make sure that they made sure that their clothes were in my laundry basket. I thought nothing more about that until this morning when I reached in and grabbed their soggy wet clothes. 
  • When the come home wearing a tshirt I can easily tell that they were hot and sweaty, but when they were in their dress clothes I couldn't tell that they were soaking wet with sweat. Their clothes were already starting to smell-gracious. 
  • And guess where Graham is right now-out playing pickleball-in his wedding clothes. Well, not all of them. He made Reagan stop to buy shorts so hopefully he also took off his button down shirt and is just wearing his tshirt. Nonna might cut him if he plays pickleball in that dress shirt-she had a time getting that thing ironed. I guess clothes that come shrink wrapped from Amazon resist giving up all of their wrinkles.
  • Robby was gone way early this morning to check on the suburban battery. Thankfully, the battery was under warranty for 2 more months and was indeed a bad battery so that was an easy and inexpensive (free) fix. 
  • He returned home after I had finished my walk. I eventually had to wake up Whitman to do his school work with me. Bless the boy, he is so complaint and has seriously done more school work this summer than some kids do all school year long. 
  • Graham then drove me over to pick up his shirt from Nonna's house. He is looking forward to being able to drive by himself on Monday-though I hope he has no where to go by himself for many, many days and months.
  • We didn't have too long before it was time to leave for Josh's wedding. My car went to pick up Grannymom and Grandpa while Robby's car left a few minutes later. We both arrived right at the same time, so that was perfect.
  • The venue was beautiful, and we found our spots in the chairs. I thought that pastor did really well, and Kyndall was beautiful. The food was breakfast was different than we had ever seen-also they had a telephone that was passed around for everyone to send them a greeting or well wish on. Weddings are just completely different than we were married.
  • It just so happened that we were sitting right by the cake and cupcakes. We were some of the first to eat the groom's cake which was delicious. The bride's cake was strawberry so I didn't have anyone sample that one.
  • Graham and Reagan headed to pickleball, and the rest of us headed home. Once at home, Campbell had her dress off before and into her pjs before I was even in the door. Now I am sitting in my dress working on the blog trying to decide if I want to stay up late and read or just get some hot chocolate and go on to bed. 

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