July 15, 2024-Mission Trip Week (Las Vegas, Austin, and St. Louis)

(click for today's pictures)

  • Whitman slept in a little bit today-well, it was 11 when I woke him up. I know what time he went to bed, so I guess he just needed to catch up on his sleep since he didn't stay up crazy late. That did give me plenty of time to do almost all of my house stuff this morning. 
  • I even took Bentley on a walk-bless her, the first mile she is all spunky, and then she pulls towards the driveway whenever we pass it. I guess a 2 mile walk is good for her because it wears her completely out, and really she hasn't done anything else all day long.
  • I even did a few school things today-we have 2 more off weeks, and then we start real school. My people are so not going to be happy, but honestly, I will be. It will take us a few weeks for things to get settled though-we have Reagan's move in and the big boys won't start their college classes for a few weeks after we start, but we need to get back to a routine.
  • For lunch Whitman and I went to Nonna and Pops' house to eat. We ate and stayed there for a while. We even got a laundry basket out of their shed. I was originally going to replace mine, but the more I think about it, that might just be Reagan's new laundry basket.
  • The new car didn't show up today-they are checking on something which is certainly good because we want it to be okay. Keaton though text me and asked for pictures-she may be more excited than Reagan.
  • Whitman and I had our supper and finished our Monopoly game. I lost-he had one row of hotels which just caused me to lose all of my money. I had more property groups though and could have won, but I somehow never managed to have enough money to buy houses and hotels. He already has pulled out our game for tomorrow night.
  • On the mission trip front, I have heard little from people today. Reagan wrote to ask me about some college things, and I have talked to Robby, but other than that I haven't heard anything. Robby will fill me in on his day later tonight.

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