July 12, 2024-A Night In Arkadelphia

(click for today's pictures)

  • Let's see, I have so many things to say on tonight's blog, but it is nearing midnight so let's see how well I can do before I decide that it is my bedtime.
  • Robby and I woke up and hurried to eat breakfast at our Holiday Inn Express-we stayed there because of the cinnamon rolls of course. Then we didn't have too long before heading out to OBU for the Joyworks and Praiseworks finales.
  • Now, on the way I reminded Robby that it would be about 2 hours. He said "nah, it wouldn't be that long." During the second choir, I told Robby that the high schoolers looked really young and said that there were no big boys like Anderson and Graham. But that didn't matter much because I was like "yippee, we are going to get out early."
  • I was wrong, there was a whole other choir that had to sing. It was indeed over 2 hours long. However, those children-so many that when 2 of the choirs were on the stage it was packed. Hundred of kids. Those kids were just amazing to watch. 
  • The first was the orchestra which was outstanding. Then the 3-6th graders-this is where I even got teary eyed, and I didn't even have anyone in that choir. Next up were Campbell and Keaton's group-the 7th-9th graders. And finally the 10th-12th graders that I was not expecting, nor was I expecting the 7th-9th graders to join the big kids for 2 more songs. 
  • Just seeing that many kids worshiping was amazing-and I know I say it every year, but this is the camp where I decided that I was going to marry Robby. I was going into the 6th grade and came back to tell people at school that I was going to be Mrs. Tara Jo Dennie. He was a counselor at the camp, and I guess I was also going to change my middle name. 
  • Campbell and Keaton had a blast at camp. It is a lot of choir for my non musical people-praising Jesus is one thing, but sitting in choir for hours at a time is another. They both had graphic design and art as well during the week, but oh, they were chatty on the way home which is a sign of a good time.
  • On the way home, we stopped at the crazy busy Sonic-of course everyone who just sat through a 2 plus hour performance needed a snack. Then it was on to Subway to get the rest of our meal, and then to Enterprise for Robby to rent a car for tomorrow's trek to Austin. (The car is just rented in his name.)
  • Then it was home-I believe that Campbell figured out from when she walked into the door at 2:30 this afternoon, she had 16 and a half hours until she had to be at church in the morning. Plus she was gone for over 3 hours this evening to work at church so our turn around time was pretty quick.
  • Their bags were emptied in the mudroom and everything washed. I used both machines, and put blankets and their comforters in the next two loads. While the first loads were washing, the girls napped, and I helped Anderson and Graham.
  • Graham had all of his things laid out so I put them neatly in his bag. He just needs a bit more help with the folding part. Anderson is flying so I wanted to make sure that he had all things as well, so since his clothes were stacked on his bed, I put them in his suitcase.
  • From when we came home, until when Robby and I left to run an errand I was working on packing and unpacking people. Robby and I left to go to Sams and pick up Reagan's dress from Grannymom. When we came home, the girls were already mostly packed again.
  • Anderson and Graham then left to go to church at Rock Creek. Then Robby and I left with Keaton and Campbell. They worked at church tonight earning money for next year's camps, and I think that they had a good time doing that.
  • Robby and I participated in an Amazing Race with about 25 other couples. It was so fun! We started in the Walmart parking lot where I had to write down 3 of Robby's top 10 tv shows. I encouraged him to go with a theme and we nailed that-Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Chicago Med-now those are probably not really his favorite tv shows, but we finished the challenge quickly.
  • Then we had to roll a dice to 10 different times to determine if we had to go left, right, or straight. Where we ended up, we had to run in and buy something. Lowes it was-and I grabbed a dollar things of baking soda on the way in that we bought.
  • The Benton River center was next where we had a choice-to make 3 different basketball shots without missing one or to take turns running a mile. We chose the mile-Robby ran a 1/4, then me, and then he started his run again. And by the way, a quarter of a mile is not joke. Robby had to walk, but I didn't, but either way our lungs were burning by the end, and it took us to the next stop before we could catch our breath.
  • We then went to Small Cakes where Robby had to sing a love song to me to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. AI to the rescue there, but once he was done, he had to eat a cupcake before he could get the next clue. We were still huffing and puffing, but I helped him gobble that down, and we were off again.
  • Next we had to get someone to roll down their car window which took us much longer than it should have. Then we had our next choice-we could get 2 out of state licence plate pictures or go in a store and find 4 different plates. We zoomed over to the hotel and quickly go those out of state licence plates.
  • Finally it was our last clue-we had to unscramble a clue which said "This is the place, Gaither Vocal Band" Then it gave a time so we found the music and it said something to the affect of "where you say I do, say goodbye, and dedicate your child." Off to church we then drove.
  • Robby parked right in the front of the church house, and we joined about 4 other couples looking for an unlocked door. Someone opened the door for us, and Robby and I headed straight for the sanctuary. They were in the balcony, so we hurried up the stairs beating the other couples who walked in with us.
  • We were the 7th couple to arrive out of about 25 so we were pretty proud of ourselves. If you do look at the pictures, you will see that Robby and I took our picture with the trophy before the race started so we can still call ourselves winners. 
  • We then came back home and started to work on packing some more. The boys showed up a bit later, and even though they had just eaten they enjoyed some doughnuts from Nonna and Pops. It has been a lot today, and Whitman and Bentley have gotten the short end of the stick. 
  • Whitman is fine though because I have plans every day for him next week-he will be so busy, he will be glad when the others come back home. And Bentley, she was so unsettled tonight-every light on, suitcases littering the floor, everyone talking about something, people going from room to room-she even got a bit whiney. I'm sure she senses that something is happening around here.
  • Okay, it is not 12:30, and there is even more excitement to share-Reagan did get a new car today. New to us, and it won't arrive until Monday, but she at least has wheels for college. 

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