July 11, 2024-A Night In Arkadelphia

(click for today's pictures)

  • Robby had his Dgroup early this morning-I slept wonderfully until about 4 last night when I woke up. It was probably because Robby and the dog were both on my side. I tossed and turned quietly so as not to wake up Robby until his alarm went off-and then I did have to wake him up.
  • Once we left for his thing, I went back to sleep and slept a good while longer. Then I finally did get up and start to work on my things around the house including taking Bentley on a walk. We did 2 miles again today-she did some better, but every time I passed the house, I thought seriously about dropping her off. Maybe I will develop some arm muscles from pulling her.
  • The boys went to play basketball this afternoon-they were pulling out when I realized that I had told them to use the wrong car since Reagan needed a car while they were gone and we were leaving before she got home. They graciously didn't mind switching cars.
  • Reagan left next to go to Sonic to play cards with her friends. They then went to Loblolly for a little bit, but she she came home so the boys could leave again to go and play pickleball. The white van is at home as well, but no one is ever too fond of driving it-Anderson would take it though if he had to, but Reagan would probably just convince someone to come out to our house and pick her up. 
  • Robby and I left this evening to come to Arkadelphia. It just so happens that he had a free hotel room expiring so dang it, we weren't going to let that happen. We have to be at OBU tomorrow at 10 so we will get a head start on traffic.
  • We also ate out fancy at a local Italian/Mexican place-yep, we had chips and salsa with our manicotti. It sounds different, but we were pretty surprised by how much we enjoyed everything. We drove around Ouachita on our way back to the hotel looking for Campbell and Keaton, but they were in worship. Now we are sitting in the bed both typing on our computers, and once we are not so full we will start on some cinnamon rolls for a snack. 

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