July 10, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Another day for me where my afternoon was completely busy. Maybe I like being busy all day or maybe I miss my reading time-I haven't yet decided. Today though I did have fun.
  • I did my morning things while all these people here were sleeping-well, Robby wasn't, but he was in his office so it was just Bentley and I in the rest of the house. I did walk 2 miles today with Bentley because I knew it would be difficult for me to find time to come back outside. Really, when I say that I walked 2 miles with Bentley, it is more accurate to say that I walked one mile with Bentley and I pulled her the other mile. 
  • Around noon, I ran a few errands with Robby. I also had to exchange a pair of pants for Whitman. I was super happy when he tried the pants on at home, and they fit. Robby also swung me by the library to pick up some more books, but since I haven't read any today, I'm not sure if I needed more books.
  • When I came home, I immediately left again, but this time with Reagan. (Her ear still doesn't hurt, but she says that it isn't any better-she has to be looking at you to hear you her ear is so stopped up. Today will be 24 hours on an antibiotic plus we picked up her 3rd medicine this afternoon at Sams so hopefully she can tell a difference by tomorrow,)
  • We started at TJ Maxx and found a lamp, towels, and big pillows for her bed. Then we moved on to Walmart-I eventually had to stop putting things in the cart because I didn't want for Robby to have a stroke. However, we made a huge dent in the dorm room shopping. We have things left on the list, but nothing really huge. Move in day will be here before we know it.
  • After unloading at home, Robby and I left again to drop off Reagan's dress at Grannymom's house, and to pick up her medicine from Sams. Then we ran home to make her take her medicine, and to pick up Anderson to go and eat supper. 
  • Supper and then Kroger and now it is already bedtime around here. I haven't heard much from Campbell and Keaton today. By their pictures, they are having a great time though!

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