July 4, 2024-Celebrating the 4th in NW Arkansas, Oklahoma, and in Panama City

(click for today's pictures)

Robby and I took a shorter walk this morning, but we did walk up to the tent sites. It was straight up a hill, and I thought that I just might die. If we would walk that little stretch every day we would be fit as a fiddle.

We then took the morning slowly before heading back to Pawhuska. There was a little more activity today, but it still wasn't crazy crowded. They had some areas where the kids could earn points by playing games, and then they could cash the points in for a little prize. Whitman did this and ended up with some bubbles.

I think that his favorite thing of the day was riding the mechanical bull. He fell off pretty quickly the first time, but the second he stayed the whole 8 seconds. And since we were nearby the ice cream shop, and since it wasn't crowded we did a repeat of yesterday's ice cream.

Next we came back to the campsite, and Whitman put on his new bathing suit that we bought while watching the Blackstone man cook. We went to the pool, and he swam for about an hour. They also had a rock wall on the edge of the pool that he did a couple of times,

When he was finished, we came back to the camper and heated up some leftover bbq for our supper. We ate that, and around 7 or even a little bit later we headed back into town. It was a happening place tonight-there were people everywhere. 

We brought in our chairs and found us a spot right in front of the Boarding House. We just randomly picked the place, but it was a great spot because every Drummond (Pioneer Woman's family) walked in and out of the Boarding House hotel right by us.

They had a live band plus around 9:30 the fireworks started. Robby and I have been to a lot of fireworks-we were in D.C. during President Bush's inauguration when fireworks were exploding on all sides of us, we have been to Disney countless times, we grew up during the hayday of Jennings Osborne's fireworks in Little Rock, and we have been in Washington D.C. at least twice on the fourth of July. We have seen many firework shows.

But I do think that this one topped them all. It was like we were watching a firework grand finale that just kept going and going and going. It was quite something to see. It lasted over 20 minutes, but it just kept going-and they were not shooting one or two fireworks at a time, it was so many fireworks-my ears are still ringing!

After the fireworks, we even stayed for some more of the band. It was fun watching everyone dance and enjoy the evening. Around 11, Whitman was eventually ready to leave, so we headed back to our campsite. He put on his pjs while Robby and I picked up a few last things outside. 

July 3, 2024-Celebrating the 4th in NW Arkansas, Oklahoma, and in Panama City

(click for today's pictures)

The morning started with Robby doing some work, and then we went on a walk-I thought we were just walking the camping loop, but we kept going and walked to the front offices, then we walked to the swimming pool area, then we walked through the group camp area, and then finally we followed the road back to our campsite. Thankfully, it wasn't that hot but it was humid, and we were pretty sticky when we came back in.

We then had a little bit of lunch before leaving again to see Pawhuska. They were in full swing getting ready for tomorrow's 4th celebration. People were hanging lights, setting up tables, moving tents, and hanging banners-they have a street blocked off as well.

We made the entire block looking at everything that we could see-when we stopped to take a picture at the sign at the end of town, a lady stopped her car to ask if we wanted a picture all together. That was incredibly nice.

We then went in Pioneer Woman's Mercantile. The boys went upstairs and found a spot to sit, while I took my time and browsed through the store. Soon it was time for us to eat-we only had to wait 45 minutes even though it was like 2:30. 

Whitman ordered mac and cheese which he rated with a 7.5. Robby and I split their chicken tenders (very good), tortialla soup (also very good, but it is summer so you can't be crazy about soup in the summer). and we also bought an order of their corn casserole (it was just plain). Oh, and we were also served biscuits, butter and strawberry jelly before the meal which was all very delicious.

The next stop was a walk through the Pioneer Woman Collections store. This store is new, and it houses her Walmart line of things. It is kind of neat to see her furniture and all. I like Pioneer Woman things, but I didn't buy anything on this trip. We do go back tomorrow so I may change my mind, but nothing spoke to me today.

Of course, we needed to just sample Charlie's Ice Cream shop. Robby ordered two scoops for Whitman, and the lady kindly asked if we were sure. She said that they were pretty big-she said just see after one scoop if you want more. For one scoop, she scooped and scooped and scooped-most places would have considered that 3 scoops of ice cream.

One scoop was plenty for him, but not for us but that left us in a quandary since we wanted 3 flavors but didn't need 3 scoops. The worker said that she can do half scoops so that is what we did-1 peanut butter scoop, 1/2 oreo, and 1/2 cookie dough. We sat outside at a picnic table and ate our ice cream. It was delicious!

We then drove all through town seeing the sites-there aren't many. Back at the campground, we got out of the car and explored a little look out tower. We saw the two biggest lizards I have ever seen. They were probably 10 inches long from nose to tail. One actually took off running at me-and I took off running as well!

Back at the camper, as I was taking Bentley out to potty, Robby saw a tarantula right by my feet. We then watched Robby shoo the thing way away from our camper with a broom. I have just about had all the wildlife I need.

We then watched the beach campers walk through the supper line on Instagram live. We saw Campbell quite often on the video, but we again missed Keaton at supper. She did do the super high swinging thing at the amusement park last night. Someone gave her a ticket, and I know that she loved every minute of it. We also saw Anderson in the video-and the back of his shirt was drenched in sweat! Drenched! And earlier in the day, we saw a picture of the seniors since they go to go out to eat for lunch.

When the live stream was over, we loaded up (even Bentley) to go and walk the Falls Creek trail. It was just a short little trail, but it came out at a part of a river-in the spring it would probably have falls, but there was just a drip right now. We still explored a little bit, but now we have checked the camper for lizards and tarantulas and are in for the night after one more quick walk around the loop with Bentley.

July 2, 2024-Celebrating the 4th in NW Arkansas, Oklahoma, and in Panama City

(click for today's pictures)

Robby was awake this morning when some of our campers went through the breakfast line. Then we were driving tonight and I was able to see all of them but Keaton go through the supper line. I also found a picture of Graham and one of Campbell on their instagram. Tonight they went to a little amusement park, so I am sure that was a lot of fun.

This morning we left around 11 or maybe earlier, I don't really know! Hooking up was fine, but it is just hot out there. We drove to Siloam Springs were Robby had a Panda Express order for us. That was also a good stop for gas. 

And since we were so close to the Little Debbie store in Gentry, we had to stop there. Most importantly, I found an ornament for the food Christmas tree. And most fun was the whole case of birthday Little Debbie cakes that we bought for just 5 dollars. Robby plans to take them on his trip later in July with the 9th and 10th graders. We also bought about 6 other boxes of snacks for us-we did all of that for about 18 dollars so that was a lot of fun.

After our shopping, we hit the road again and drove on to Osage Hills State Park. It is a neat park which is very similar to Petit Jean without all of the scenery though. It still has scenery, but it is spread out with lots of CCC buildings throughout.

It took us a few minutes to back in and get level, but no curse words were said. Kidding, it wasn't bad at all. Robby did all the outside things, and soon we were digging into the BBQ that we picked up in Bartlesville. And I am not sure if Robby thought that all of the kids were with us or not, but we had enough food for all 8 of us. That is fine though because I already had a package of buns, and we can have bbq for the rest of the trip. (We have other meals that we have brought to make, but I doubt we will get to any of those on this trip.)

After eating, we drove around the campground to see everything. When we returned, Robby and I took Bentley on a walk around the camping loop. Now, we are all snug in the camper and praising the Lord for our air conditioners.

July 1, 2024-Celebrating the 4th in NW Arkansas, Oklahoma, and in Panama City

(click for today's pictures)

It was another good day here in Northwest Arkansas. I took Bentley on a short little walk this morning, before we left for the Amazeum. It is a bit like our Museum of Discovery, the Wonderplace in Little Rock, and the awesome Philadelphia kid's museum all rolled into one. 

We were able to get in free with the reciprocal admission from our Museum of Discovery which made it even better. Whitman was just almost too big for the Amazeum, but it still had some things that he enjoyed. He was fascinated with the tornado and smoke things which they used to have at our museum and no longer do.

He is just the most easygoing kid, and I definitely think that he enjoyed wandering around the museum today. When we finished, we stopped by a gas station to buy him a drink and some candy. I know I have said it again, but he is just a bit spoiled.

We then came back to the camper and relaxed a little bit, Robby did the laundry while I read a little bit, and I might possibly have had a nap. Robby then folded most of the laundry before I realized what he was doing since I would have helped. 

Once the laundry was finished, we all loaded up, including Bentley, and drove to pick up supper. We had Tacos for Life for supper, and even though Robby and I split our meal, I am stuffed. Whitman had a quesadilla and said that it was just about as good as Nonna's quesadilla.

After we ate, Robby and I took Bentley on a little walk, and now we  have the second half of the Frank Lloyd Wright documentary to watch. Before we watch the show, I will take a shower-my eyes have been so incredibly itchy up here. This happens a few times a year at home, so it is just allergies, but we had to stop today for more eye drops for me. Maybe our move tomorrow will help a bit more too.

The other 5 left last night around 11 to travel to Panama City. Graham had an air tag in his bag, so Robby was able to see their progress as they moved own the road. Around 7:30, we started seeing credit card charges for their breakfast-we make a game of guessing who each charge is (4.53 from McDonalds, 6.87 from ChickFilA, 11.24 from ChickFilA) It is fun to guess who spend what, then Robby goes to his account and looks it up so we can see who was right.

We also played this game at lunch today when they were eating once again. Anderson just uses his own cash instead of the credit card-he did that last year too. I was trying to explain to Keaton before they left to use the credit card and just keep her cash for emergencies. I probably didn't use the best terms when I said, "Just use the credit card as much as you can." Robby was quick to pop out of his office and say "not as much as you can, but for just what you need." 

We saw them all walk through the supper line at camp as well. Graham was the only one who spoke or even looked at the camera. He did say "hi, mom!" so he is currently my favorite. I could also see Shannon and Tony serving up food so I know the kids were well fed.