June 5, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Day 182 of Camp Geyer-it kind of feels like it has been that many days, but there is just one more day which makes me super happy. Some of the kids said today that they wished it was on Friday as well. I just silently thought in my head, "you are so young and full of energy."
  • We did get breakfast this morning-cinnamon rolls before it started. All we do though in my group is eat since I am doing the cooking track. Today was had fiesta roll ups and empandas, plus we had our adult snack as well. Eating all of the time during VBS does make the day go by quicker!
  • Whitman stayed after church with all of the 5th graders-they spent some time with the youth staff, played games, ate ChickFilA, and came home with shirts. He also has a part in drama tomorrow so as we were heading home today, he practiced it with Keaton and Reagan.
  • The rest of us ate lunch at Nonna and Pops' house. They fed us a huge amount of food for lunch which game the girls and I power to press through our errands that we had next. Whitman got to go with us since we had to pick him up-he was fine since I bribed him with candy. The boys brought another car so they could go on home today, but tomorrow is Anderson's turn to shop.
  • The girls and I went to Walmart and Hobby Lobby. There are just so many things that the need for camp plus we were able to mark off a few things from the college list. It was a bit of speed shopping, but we got it done-well, most of the things needed for camp anyway.
  • When we came home, Keaton, Reagan, and Graham all had naps. Whitman was about to fall asleep in the car, so that just left me, Anderson, and Campbell standing. Campbell wanted a nap, but she also wanted to stay up for her Sonic drink that Robby brought home for her.
  • Robby went to bed last night with a pretty bad pain in his side-bad enough that he had fever, chills, and even got down on the floor at one point. Thankfully, he slept most of the night long, but after still being in constant pain today, he got himself a doctor's appointment.
  • The doctor thinks it is his gallbladder so he then went to have an ultrasound. It was around 5 when he finished all of that, so we won't probably know anything else until in the morning or even later tomorrow. That didn't give him anything for pain, but maybe I can find some good drugs left over from my kidney stones because no one needs to suffer.
  • Reagan is out and about at a friend's house while Campbell is working on a shirt for camp. Graham has ran a few miles tonight, and Keaton must still be asleep. Whitman and Anderson showed up when Sonic burgers were brought in the house, but I think that this will be a pretty quiet evening. I have already had my hot chocolate and now I might just read some more of my book.

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