June 26, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Reagan was the first to leave the house this morning. She went to Pinnacle fairly early; however, they didn't leave early enough. They ended up in the downpour-I think that it started raining before they made it to the top, but she persevered and made it. Going down the mountain was a bit treacherous she said because the rain and water was pretty crazy.
  • When she and her friends made it back to the house, they were dripping wet. Reagan had 2 towels with her already that were soaking. I think that Reagan put some of the girls' clothes in the dryer. Her people were over until about 5 this evening-they even made cookies while hanging out.
  • Robby and I picked up Whitman today from his mission trip. I think that he had a really good time, and as we were leaving Candice came up to us and said that Whitman was always carrying something heavy and asking how he could help. Well, I couldn't ask for a better report.
  • He said that his favorite part was sleeping-while he has been gone, they woke up at 7 or 7:30 each day and went to bed at 10. I'm sure this was a huge adjustment for him since he is used to his brothers' summer schedule which involves staying up very late. Whitman was pretty quiet at home, but boy, I'm sure glad to have him home.
  • This afternoon Campbell, Keaton, and I went to the Wilson's house to help prepare for their big even tonight. The girls cut strawberries, rolled meat up, and did everything that they could to help for this evening. We came home for a little bit to get ready. 
  • Robby made it home, and Campbell, Keaton, and I left with him to go early and help. The girls and I were able to help put the cheese and meat trays together. Then the party started-well, actually the party waited for Layne and Ben to arrive. 
  • When they did arrive, the party and the noise really stared. It was a fun evening with lots of excitement. The house was full of people and the tables were full of food. 
  • We came home, and the kids had some chores to catch up on plus they are leaving early in the morning for a church thing so there is lots of tomorrow prep happening now.

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