June 21, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Today was Campbell's lucky day-her phone pretty much stopped working Wednesday night so she received a new to her phone (Robbys), and he got a new one. Both of their phones are the oldest of the families with Robby's being a little bit better than Campbell's and, of course, he does still work so they both traded up.
  • Reagan left early this morning to check on Annie for bit, go swimming at a friend's house, to bake cookies at another friend's house for a boy that broke his arm while ice skating with them the other day, and then to spend the night at another friend's house. I know she has had snow cones and then a few minutes later she sent a picture of a tray of Mexican food.
  • Keaton had spend the night at a friend's house last night and spend most of the time working on getting her back handspring. I think that she is pretty close, and she even spent some time working on it this afternoon after Campbell drove me to pick Keaton up.
  • We also picked up Shannon's dog Annie this afternoon for her to come and stay over here for a little bit. Her and Bentley have been fine, but neither of them have truly settled all day long-I think that they are both going to be completely worn out. 
  • Campbell left for a birthday party late this afternoon-first they ate at Larrys, then went to a movie, and finally finished the evening swimming. She isn't even coming home tonight because she is going to another friend's house to spend the night and then to the lake tomorrow.
  • Anderson and Graham went to Rock Creek tonight for the boys' Bible study and hang out time. I think that they had fun, but they came home hungry-and I don't think that the PeiWei leftovers that Robby bought at lunch is what they wanted for supper.
  • And finally, Whitman sent a good deal of time this afternoon packing for his mission trip. He leaves Sunday afternoon for Monticello with the 3rd through 5th graders at church. This will be his third year to go, but this is also his first year to go with out one or both of his big sisters there. 

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